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The Gift of Fear : Survival Signals That Protect Us From Violence.
(1998). "The loss of a job can be as traumatic as the loss of a loved one, but few fired employees receive a lot of condolence or support." (p. 177)
The Gift of Wounding: Finding Hope and Heart in Challenging Circumstances.
(1999). "Balance is the key to truth rather than one rigid position or judgement. Balance can be experienced only after examining many different sides of an issue, and measuring their worth and integrity. We begin that process by recognizing from the outset that there are other sides and perceptions and that we want to learn from these, as well as from our own knowledge and experience." (p. 48)
The Great Jackass Fallacy.
(1973). "People will avoid, evade, escape, deny, and reject both the jackass assumption and the military style hierarchy, for few people can tolerate being a jackass in a psychological prison without doing something about it." (p. 13)
"...then the managerial task becomes one of alliance with the ego ideals of employees one supervises rather than fighting the individuals or manipulating them in the psychological prison that is the contemporary hierarchical environment." (p. 105)
Group Psychodynamics: New Paradigms and New Perspectives.
(1989). "Sifneos coined the term alexithymia or 'the absence of words for feelings'. He described alexithymic patients as having an impoverishment of fantasy life, a constriction of emotional functioning, and a tendency to describe endless situational details or symptoms." (p. 171)
Growing a business.
(1988). "Like canny investors, employees know exactly how much of themselves they will invest in a given work situation before they feel taken for granted or ripped off. For pragmatic reasons of productivity and employee satisfaction, if for no other reason, I advise employee ownership. Nevertheless, it is not a panacea. lf it is instituted as a 'technique,' it has no meaning and can backfire. There is no point in sharing equity if it does not stem from your sense of fairness. If you are not a fair person, don't fake it. Employees resent hypocrisy more than greed.
Fairness is something people feel. You cannot fool workers with fancy titles, by calling people 'associates' or holding pep rallies, or by convoluted profit-sharing schemes that vest on the seventieth birthday. So often in business literature the question comes up as to what is the best way to treat your employees. It is a question with no meaning. The question you should always ask is what do you think of your employees. What you think about the people you work with will decide how you treat them, and will determine how you structure your company." (p. 114)
Fairness is something people feel. You cannot fool workers with fancy titles, by calling people 'associates' or holding pep rallies, or by convoluted profit-sharing schemes that vest on the seventieth birthday. So often in business literature the question comes up as to what is the best way to treat your employees. It is a question with no meaning. The question you should always ask is what do you think of your employees. What you think about the people you work with will decide how you treat them, and will determine how you structure your company." (p. 114)
Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths, and Total Nonsense: Profiting from Evidence-based Management.
274. Abstract
(2013). "As Dennis Bakke reminds us in his book Joy at Work, life is not just about performance, effectiveness, and efficiency.1 The very essence of being a sentient human being is the ability to make choices and take actions—to be responsible, in control of at least some aspects of our own life, and engaged in actively creating the world in which we live. To cede those tasks to others, even others who are benign and possibly wiser than us, is to deny the full experience of being fully human and alive." (p. 199)
Harry Levinson on the Psychology of Leadership.
(2006). "When people in defeat deny their angry feelings, that denial of underlying, seething anger contributes to the sense of burnout.
If top executives fail to see these problems as serious, they may worsen the situation. If a company offers only palliatives like meditation and relaxation methods—temporarily helpful though they may be—victims of burnout may become further enraged. The sufferers know that their problem has to do with the nature of the job and not their capacity to handle it." (p. 29)
If top executives fail to see these problems as serious, they may worsen the situation. If a company offers only palliatives like meditation and relaxation methods—temporarily helpful though they may be—victims of burnout may become further enraged. The sufferers know that their problem has to do with the nature of the job and not their capacity to handle it." (p. 29)
The Heart Aroused : Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America.
(1996). "Corporations, for their part, have been engaged in a willful battle against the very grain of existence. Like the good Dutch boy with his finger in the dike, they have spent enormous amounts of energy putting in place systems that attempt to hold back the shifting, oceanic qualities of existence. The complexity of the world could be accounted for, they fervently hoped, by a simple increase in the thickness of the company manual." (p. 10)
The Heart of Man: Its Genius for Good and Evil.
(1968). "The very need to achieve something creative makes it necessary to leave the closed circle of group solipsism and to be interested in the object it wants to achieve." (p. 94)
The Heart of the Soul: Emotional Awareness.
(2002). "Boredom is the failure of the search for external fulfillment and refusal to look at what drove the search. Boredom is deep-rooted resistance to experiencing emotions after all efforts to distract attention from them have been ineffective. The root of boredom is resistance to painful emotions. This is the root of workaholism and perfectionism, also. In some cases the root produces boredom first, and then an escape into workaholism or perfectionism. In other cases, the workaholism or perfectionism comes first, and then boredom." (p. 193)
Helping Someone with Mental Illness.
(1999). "Work fulfills many needs. It creates structure and meaning in our lives, gives us a sense of accomplishment, provides income and security, and also affords us the chance to socialize with friends and colleagues and to feel as if we belong to a community." (p. 102)
Her Place at the Table: A Woman's Guide to Negotiating Five Key Challenges to Leadership Success.
(2010). "To our surprise, many of our informants reported having troubled relationships with key leaders. From their perspective, these leaders were difficult and had earned their reputations for psychologically abusive behaviors. To work with them they had to make clear—right from the start—the kind of treatment they expected (and would tolerate)." (p. 79)
Hidden Agendas.
(1990). "A psychological contract and a relationship that works for both parties is flexible enough to accomodate both shattered illusions and changing circumstances. However, that flexibility is not easy to come by and most of us at least initially resist altering our expectations in any way. Instead, we become all the more determined to make the other person or the relationship measure up to our standards." (p 147)
A higher standard of leadership: lessons from the life of Gandhi.
(1997). "As a bear a great responsibility. If you set the direction, analysis and support will appear throughout the organization even if you are wrong. Those who are not in positions of power will find it difficult to disagree—to be truthful—because they fear for their careers and their futures." (p. 113)
How to Be Safe in an Unsafe World : A Guide to Inner Peace and Outer Security.
(1997). "If your intention is to creatively resolve everyday clashes that occur at home, on the street, or in the workplace, a willingness to understand the other side is essential. Remember, your goal in many situations is not to win arguments, not to prove your point; your goal is to be and feel safe." (p. 78)
How to Keep People From Pushing Your Buttons.
(1994). "Sometimes we get terribly bent out of shape when someone treats us insensitively, manipulates us, takes advantage, or is downright unfair. Therefore, we are not suggesting that if you are treated unfairly, you roll over and say 'Hit me again, baby. Beat me to a pulp' or 'Well—ha, ha—nobody's perfect. Maybe they didn't mean it.' You can still decide to do everything possible to redress injustices and unfairness, whether they be personal or social, without overrreacting and becoming part of the problem." (p. 72)
How to Lead Work Teams: Facilitation Skills.
(1991). "Leaders will do well to think of a team as a collection of diverse individuals, each with his or her own unique character and potential for contribution to the group. Being expected to conform and to subjugate individual needs and desires for the common good is degrading to team members. The fact is that some people are more comfortable as part of a group than others. Some more independent members may feel constrained and ill at ease working in a team. Others, because of their race, sex, age, religion, or culture, may not have much in common with other members and yet feel pressured to get along and conform. An effective leader is sensitive to the need to preserve individual dignity, to capitalize on differences, and to not try to achieve conformity."
How to Succeed in Business Without a Penis: Secrets and Strategies for the Working Woman.
(2006). "Dr. Provinc, a professor of neurobiology, psychology, and the anthropology of laughter at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, would most likely agree with me. As he has said already:"
Fashions on laughter change, but one thing that stays the same is you can't laugh at people in power. Laugh at your boss, and you may be the recipient of that practical joke known as the little pink slip.
How to Win Friends and Influence People.
(1981). "If some people are so hungry for a feeling of importance that they actually go insane to get it, imagine what miracle you and I can achieve by giving people honest appreciation this side of insanity." (p. 58)
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