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Leadership jazz.
(1993). "Vulnerability is the opposite of self-expression. Vulnerable leaders trust in the abilities of other people; vulnerable leaders allow the people who follow them to do their best. An invulnerable leader can be only as good as her own performance—what a terrifying thought! One caveat: Remember that there is no such thing as safe vulnerability." (p. 220)
Leadership Skills For Managers.
(2002). "W. Edwards Deming, one of the founding fathers of the quality movement, asserted that employees are rightfully entitled to the 'pride of workmanship'. Essential to that pride are job security, expectations, clear communications, and the proper tools." (p. 7)
Learn to Earn: A Beginner's Guide to the Basics of Investing and Business.
(1996). "Chewing gum and candy companies, such as Wrigley's, can thrive on recessions, because as Mr. Wrigley himself once said: 'The sadder they are, the more the people chew.'" (p. 84)
Learned Optimism.
(1992). "It's a disturbing idea, that depressed people see reality correctly while nondepressed people distort reality in a self-serving way. As a therapist I was trained to believe that it was my job to help depressed patients both to feel happier and to see the world more clearly. I was supposed to be the agent of happiness and of truth. But maybe truth and happiness antagonize each other. Perhaps what we have considered good therapy for a depressed patient merely nurtures benign illusions, making the patient think his world is better than it actually is." (p. 108)
Life Strategies : Doing What Works, Doing What Matters.
(2000). "Remember, I said earlier the number-one need in all people is acceptance. The number-one fear in all people is rejection." (p. 100)
Life's a Bitch and Then You Change Careers: 9 Steps to Get You Out of Your Funk & on to Your Future.
(2005). "I define career as a combination of:
- The particular occupation you choose to pursue and train for that is a significant part of your life and may or may not fit who you are
- The activities, experience, and knowledge you accumulate; skills you develop and progress you make while you're in that occupation" (p. 13)
Love the work, hate the job: why America's best workers are unhappier than ever.
(2008). "Although [Dan Pink] did cite the use of long-term temporary workers at companies like Microsoft as examples of a problem, not a promising new trend, he exaggerated the extent to which short-term employment and self-employment were voluntary. After all, how many downsized executives, professionals, and technicians describe themselves as 'consultants,' rather than as job hunters, because admitting they were laid off sounds perilously close to labeling themselves 'losers'?" (p. 53)
The Loyalty Effect : The Hidden Force Behind Growth, Profits, & Lasting Value.
(1996). "Loyalty is indeed a two-way street, and companies that dump people when earnings are down (much less when earnings are up) are sowing the seeds of their own failure. Every company falls on hard times now and then, and it's the loyal dedication of key employees that pulls most of them through. By showing people that the company won't stick by them in adversity, a firm can almost guarantee that the next time it's in trouble, its most talented employees will jump ship just when they're needed most." (p. 96)
Lying : Moral Choice in Public and Private Life.
(1979). "Self-defensive lies can permeate all one does, so that life turns into 'living a lie.' Professionals involved in collective practices of deceit give up all ordinary assumptions about their own honesty and that of others." (p. 79)
The Magic of Dialogue: Transforming Conflict into Cooperation.
(1999). "In traditional hierarchical arrangements, those at the top of the pecking order can afford to be casual about how well they understand those at lower levels. But when people are more equal, they are obliged to make a greater effort to understand each other. If no one is the undisputed boss anymore, and if all insist on having their views respected, it follows that people must understand each other." (p. 18)
Making it All Work: Winning at the Game of Work and the Business of Life.
322. Abstract
(2008). "But to my thinking there is an inherent fallacy in affirming that 'life' and 'work' are mutually exclusive spheres. The truth is, when you are 'in your zone'—when time has disappeared and you're simply 'on' with whatever you're doing—there is no distinction between 'work' and 'personal'." (p. 58)
Man For Himself: An Inquiry Into the Psychology of Ethics.
(1970). "Since modern man experiences himself as both the seller and the commodity to be sold on the market, his self-esteem depends on conditions beyond his control. If he is 'successful,' he is valuable; if he is not, he is worthless." (p. 72)
(1989). "Rosabeth Kanter has argued that power can easily become institutionalized. Those whom others believe to possess power seem to find it easier to influence other people around them—and thus to garner even more genuine power. By the same token, 'powerlessness' is a difficult condition to overcome." (p. 306)
Management for Productivity.
(1986). "Structure should accommodate the people within the system. People vary in their skills, interests, needs, personalities. These individual differences must be accommodated by organization structures to maximize support for individual work efforts." (p. 167)
The Management Gurus: lessons from the best management books of all time.
( , Ed.).
(2008). "Finally, the traditional hierarchy—the pyramid structure of almost all organizations—has to be discarded. The traditional top-down method of leadership is wasteful and ineffective because a company's need to innovate continues to conflict with shared assumptions about loyalty and unquestioning obedience. This situation must change." (p. 269)
Management of Organizational Behavior : Utilizing Human Resources.
(1977). "In our society today, there is almost a built-in expectation in people that physiological and safety needs will be fulfilled. In fact, most people do not generally have to worry about where their next meal will come from or whether they will be protected from the elements or physical danger. They are now more susceptible to motivation from other needs: People want to belong, be recognized as 'somebody', and have a chance to develop to their fullest potential. As William H. Haney has said:
'The managerial practice, therefore, should be geared to the subordinate's current level of maturity with the overall goal of helping him to develop, to require progressively less external control, and to gain more and more self-control. And why would a man want this? Because under these conditions he achieves satisfaction on the job at all levels, primarily the ego and self-fulfillment levels, at which he is the most motivatable.' " (p. 182)
'The managerial practice, therefore, should be geared to the subordinate's current level of maturity with the overall goal of helping him to develop, to require progressively less external control, and to gain more and more self-control. And why would a man want this? Because under these conditions he achieves satisfaction on the job at all levels, primarily the ego and self-fulfillment levels, at which he is the most motivatable.' " (p. 182)
Management: Theory and Practice.
(1969). "First of all, the chief executive can exercise great powers on legal grounds. The bylaws of most corporations provide for the appointment of a chief executive who has practically full powers except as they are limited by the board of directors.
Secondly, the chief executive can strengthen this power by judicious use of rewards and punishments. Complying subordinates can be given salary increases, bonuses, stock options, benefits of all kinds, and status symbols, such as large offices, free cars, and credit cards. Conversely, he can withhold these and other privileges from subordinates who oppose his views. And he need not resort to discharge to make his displeasure even more evident. He can send men to 'managerial Siberia'—some post where they have nothing of importance to do—or gradually withdraw responsibilities from them until they become disgusted enough to quit. It is not necessary for the chief executive to take drastic steps very often. If he has occasionally done so in the past, few will care to challenge his power." (p. 88)
Secondly, the chief executive can strengthen this power by judicious use of rewards and punishments. Complying subordinates can be given salary increases, bonuses, stock options, benefits of all kinds, and status symbols, such as large offices, free cars, and credit cards. Conversely, he can withhold these and other privileges from subordinates who oppose his views. And he need not resort to discharge to make his displeasure even more evident. He can send men to 'managerial Siberia'—some post where they have nothing of importance to do—or gradually withdraw responsibilities from them until they become disgusted enough to quit. It is not necessary for the chief executive to take drastic steps very often. If he has occasionally done so in the past, few will care to challenge his power." (p. 88)
Managerial and organizational reality: stories of life and work.
(2003). "Defamation attempts to cut the reformer off from a potentially sympathetic following by attributing his attempts at reform to questionable motives, underlying psychopathology, or gross incompetence. This three-pronged attack is meant to blackmail the reformer into submission and to transform a sympathetic following into a mistrustful crowd of onlookers or an angry mob that feels resentful at having been deceived by the reformer." (p. 331, Rory O'Day)
The managerial woman.
(1977). "It is healthy and natural for all persons, men and women, to live directly in both the instrumental and the affective worlds. The best example we can give to explain what we are talking about is to quote the man who said, 'My boss is the best boss I've ever had. When you go in there and she criticizes your work she makes sure you leave feeling you are a good and valuable person who wrote a bad report.'"
Managers for tomorrow.
(1967). "The motivations for work that stem from the desire to hang on and protect ourselves from real or imaginary attack have one common core—the direction of the motivational force is negative. The aim is to avoid or minimize trouble. Work under such conditions is at best burdensome and at its worst approaches the nightmare fringes of terror. Short-range output may be high, but the endurance of the worker is as yet undetermined." (p. 134)
Managers for Tomorrow : A Modern Psychological Approach to the Managerial Process.
(1967). No matter all of the talk about people's loss of interest in their work, the manager can still count on the desire to do a good job; pride in performance will always exist. However, there are forces, both in the work situation and in our society at large, that limit opportunities to fulfill this motive.
One factor in the work situation is the nature of the job. If the work to be done is dull and unchallenging, the individual can get no real satisfaction from doing it well."
One factor in the work situation is the nature of the job. If the work to be done is dull and unchallenging, the individual can get no real satisfaction from doing it well."
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