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The Deming Management Method.
(1988). "Fear takes a horrible toll. Fear is all around, robbing people of their pride, hurting them, robbing them of a chance to contribute to the company. It is unbelievable what happens when you unloose fear." (p. 73)
Depression: the evolution of powerlessness.
(1992). "There is, therefore, an archetypal fear of outsiders and also of being made an outsider. Many films and other forms of art reflect this basic fear. Furthermore, group membership is an important aspect of self-esteem and self-identity (see Abrams et al., 1990, and Chapter 7 this volume). Another interesting observation is that following loss of rank an animal (e.g., in gorillas) may take up a solitary life. Once someone has involuntarily fallen in rank (been deposed) they can be ejected from groups quite quickly. Group living, therefore, runs parallel with the need to feel part of a group, supported by a group, and hence free from potential persecution. Lone primates often find it difficult to be accepted in a group unless they can make some bid for dominance or attract allies. In humans also non-acceptance can elicit aggression, but submission/ withdrawal/ avoidance is probably more common." (p. 181)
Developing and Training Human Resources in Organizations (2nd Edition).
(1991). "Despite its wide use, punishment can have unfortunate side effects. First, there is a high probability that the response will be reduced only when the punishment agent is present....Second, punishment may result in avoidance, hostility, or even counteragression toward the punishing agent." (p. 235)
Developing More Curious Minds.
(2003). "[Colleen Rowley replied to the Senate Judiciary Committee], 'I go back to the "don't rock the boat, don't ask a question" problem.' Any question, she said, might be perceived as a 'complaint', or 'as a challenge to somebody higher up and they get mad or whatever' (Excerpts...,2002)." ...
"People who ask 'hard questions' too often have been fired because of their challenges to accustomed ways of thinking and doing business." (p. 6)
"People who ask 'hard questions' too often have been fired because of their challenges to accustomed ways of thinking and doing business." (p. 6)
Die Broke.
(1998). And if you want self-actualization, look for it in all that you do outside of your work. Be the best spouse, parent, child, neighbor, friend and citizen you can be, and you'll be far closer to reaching your true human potential than if you concentrated on being the best accountant you can be." (p. 29)
Digital Capital : Harnessing the Power of Business Webs.
(2000). "Corruption thrives in a culture of secrecy." (p. 182)
Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel.
(2002). "Thanks to evolution, humans made the leap from sniffing butts to kissing butts, and the seeds of capitalism were sown." (p. 82)
The Dilbert Future: Thriving on Stupidity in the 21st Century.
(1997). "The current method of motivating employees involves frightening them until their arteries harden, then trying to make it all better by giving them inexpensive gifts bearing the company logo." (p. 123)
The Dilbert Principle: Cubicle's-Eye View of Bosses, Meetings, Management Fads, and Other Workplace Afflictions.
(1996). "A company can't do much to stimulate happiness and creativity, but it can do a lot to kill them. The trick for the company is to stay out of the way. When companies try to encourage creativity it's like a bear dancing with an ant. Sooner or later the ant will realize it's a bad idea, although the bear may not." (p. 320)
Discipline and punish : the birth of the prison.
(1995). "Disciplinary exercised through its invisibility; at the same time it imposes on those whom it subjects a principle of compulsory visibility. In discipline, it is the subjects who have to be seen. Their visibility assures the hold of the power that is exercised over them. It is the fact of being constantly seen, of being able always to be seen, that maintains the disciplined individual in his subjection. And the examination is the technique by which power, instead of emitting the signs of its potency, instead of imposing its mark on its subjects, holds them in a mechanism of objectification. In this space of domination, disciplinary power manifests its potency, essentially, by arranging objects. The examination is, as it were, the ceremony of this objectification." (p. 187)
Disconnected: How Six People from AT&T Discovered the New Meaning of Work in a Downsized Corporate America.
(1998). "Surely the old social contract, that basic exchange of loyalty for security, has been destroyed....
Some business theorists envision a new workplace that will accomodate both organizational flexibility and individual fulfillment. In their hopeful vision, companies will offer opportunities; employees will provide labor and talent. Workers will shuttle between projects and employers while organizations add and subtract staffers in a seamless ebb and flow.
Can we allow ourselves any such optimism? If the experiences of these six people are any indication, this process will be messy, and the concomitant dislocation severe. 'I must manage my own career' is indeed the brave new rallying cry of today's company man, but it must be tempered by one basic fact: Power, as ever, resides with the organization." (p. 200)
Some business theorists envision a new workplace that will accomodate both organizational flexibility and individual fulfillment. In their hopeful vision, companies will offer opportunities; employees will provide labor and talent. Workers will shuttle between projects and employers while organizations add and subtract staffers in a seamless ebb and flow.
Can we allow ourselves any such optimism? If the experiences of these six people are any indication, this process will be messy, and the concomitant dislocation severe. 'I must manage my own career' is indeed the brave new rallying cry of today's company man, but it must be tempered by one basic fact: Power, as ever, resides with the organization." (p. 200)
The Divided Self.
(1965). "The component we wish to separate off for the moment is the initial compliance with the other person's intentions or expectations for one's self, or what are felt to be the other person's intentions or expectations. This usually amounts to an excess of being 'good', never doing anything other than what one is told, never being 'a trouble', never asserting or even betraying any counter-will of one's own. Being good is not, however, done out of any positive desire on the individual's part to do the things that are said by others to be good, but is a negative conformity to a standard that is the other's standard and not one's own, and is prompted by the dread of what might happen if one were to be oneself in actuality. [emphasis mine] This compliance is partly, therefore, a betrayal of one's own true possibilities, but is also a technique of concealing and preserving one's own true possibilities, which, however, risk never becoming translated into actualities if they are entirely concentrated in an inner self for whom all things are possible in imagination but nothing is possible in fact."
Do What You Are.
(1995). "Pressure to be what you aren't can cause lifelong confusion. If you are obliged to fit into a certain group mentality that really doesn't suit you (this could be a family dynamic, a school or community setting, or a professional environment), you may end up denying your true nature and not enjoying your required role. If you spend twenty years at a job you don't enjoy, you may end up not only out of touch with your natural interests but—even worse—with a distorted view of your own competence." (p. 90)
Dogbert's Top Secret Management Handbook.
(1996). "Lying isn't a good idea in nonwork situations because bad things can happen if you get caught. But when you're dealing with employees, they have few retaliatory options as long as you keep the supply cabinet locked. And if you lose their trust, you can always use fear and intimidation to get the same results. There's no real risk." (sec. 1.13)
Doing work you love: Discovering your purpose and realizing your dreams.
(2002). "Innovation requires risk and independent-minded people with self-employed attitudes.
Asking permission is giving up your power and not accepting responsibility for the outcome.
There are organizations where it may seem as though you are not allowed to do anything without a boss's permission. It may also appear as though there are unwritten rules that say you have to do things in a particular way. But look more closely..." (p.93)
Asking permission is giving up your power and not accepting responsibility for the outcome.
There are organizations where it may seem as though you are not allowed to do anything without a boss's permission. It may also appear as though there are unwritten rules that say you have to do things in a particular way. But look more closely..." (p.93)
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff at Work.
(1998). "Sometimes the criticism we receive is valuable, even helpful. Other times, it's utter nonsense. Either way, learning to see criticism as 'small stuff' is incredibly useful in our efforts to live a life of reduced stress." (p. 270)
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...And It's All Small Stuff: Simple Things To Keep The Little Things From Taking Over Your Life.
(2005). "At times you are going to use bad judgement, say something wrong, offend someone, criticize unnecessarily, be too demanding, or act selfishly. The question isn't whether you will make these mistakes—we all do. The question is, Can you admit to them?" (p. 187)
Dr. Deming: The American Who Taught the Japanese About Quality.
(1991). "Some writers call for greater accountability. The computer is seen as the sure way out of our problems by providing management with intricate details about each person's performance. All these views are wrong!" (p. 93)
Driving Digital: Microsoft and Its Customers Speak About Thriving in the E-Business Era.
(2001). "If you think about the traditional corporate structure, what determines who's going to be a part of the debate? Simple: the people who are allowed in the meeting room." (p. 78)
"Two issues: Can your senior executive group adjust to a culture in which folks at the most junior levels of the organization have access to all but the most highly sensitive information about the company? And can they adjust to a culture in which they will receive e-mails from those same junior level folks? Will they be open and responsive to those e-mails? Are the managers at levels between the junior sender and senior executive who receives the e-mail going to revolt at not being consulted before the message gets sent, probably not even cc'ed?" (p. 84)
"Two issues: Can your senior executive group adjust to a culture in which folks at the most junior levels of the organization have access to all but the most highly sensitive information about the company? And can they adjust to a culture in which they will receive e-mails from those same junior level folks? Will they be open and responsive to those e-mails? Are the managers at levels between the junior sender and senior executive who receives the e-mail going to revolt at not being consulted before the message gets sent, probably not even cc'ed?" (p. 84)
Driving Fear Out of the Workplace: How to Overcome the Invisible Barriers to Quality, Productivity, and Innovation.
(1991). "W. Edwards Deming tells those who attend his seminars, 'We are here to make another kind of world.' He expresses the broad scope of the goal, and its enormity....
To achieve another kind of world requires a deep understanding of where we are now. The awareness of fear can help us move to this point. In the same way that many organizations have had to face harsh news about waste, scrap, and rework within their production processes, there is also harsh news about fear in human interactions in the workplace. But once past the denial that is so common, the real possibilities begin to emerge. When managers accept the role of facilitator, coach, and consultant, a dramatic shift takes place. Traditional notions of controlling and telling give way to inviting and guiding. Commitment switches to the long term—to the development of quality products and services, to long-lasting, mutually satisfying relationships with customers, vendors, and employees." (p. 240)
To achieve another kind of world requires a deep understanding of where we are now. The awareness of fear can help us move to this point. In the same way that many organizations have had to face harsh news about waste, scrap, and rework within their production processes, there is also harsh news about fear in human interactions in the workplace. But once past the denial that is so common, the real possibilities begin to emerge. When managers accept the role of facilitator, coach, and consultant, a dramatic shift takes place. Traditional notions of controlling and telling give way to inviting and guiding. Commitment switches to the long term—to the development of quality products and services, to long-lasting, mutually satisfying relationships with customers, vendors, and employees." (p. 240)
Dynamics of software development.
(1995). "Scapegoatism is a maladaptive, defensive reaction in which failure and other evils are magically warded off by finding someone to blame. The team will find a scapegoat instinctively as a way of preserving local functionality in spite of a deteriorating general situation." (p. 138)
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