Harry Levinson on the Psychology of Leadership

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Title Harry Levinson on the Psychology of Leadership
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 2006
Authors Levinson, H.
Publisher Harvard Business School Pub.
Keywords burnout, maturity
Notes burnout"When people in defeat deny their angry feelings, that denial of underlying, seething anger contributes to the sense of burnout.

If top executives fail to see these problems as serious, they may worsen the situation. If a company offers only palliatives like meditation and relaxation methods--temporarily helpful though they may be--victims of burnout may become further enraged. The sufferers know that their problem has to do with the nature of the job and not their capacity to handle it." (p. 29)

maturity"Western societies value youth. It is painfully disappointing to have attained a peak life stage at a time in history when that achievement is partially vitiated by worship of youth, when there is no longer much respect for age or seniority." (p. 163)
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=6OLtAAAAMAAJ