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Web Article
Fast, N. (2010).  The Blame Game.
"Our findings showed that blame was contagious, but not among those who felt psychologically secure. So try to foster a chronic sense of inner security in order to reduce the chances that you'll lash out at others."
Carson, S. (2010).  Can Being Creative Improve Your Health?.
"Highly creative individuals have long noted the salutary effects of creative activity on both physical and mental health. Many types of creative work can relieve stress and enhance positive mood, two major factors in promoting good health."
Hermanson, K. (Submitted).  Creativity in Your Professional Life.
"When you find yourself stuck on some problem or issue, taking a trip or simply immersing in a new environment often brings up synchronistic solutions. The trouble is, we can't mentally 'will' ourselves to go to this new place. Our minds know how to analyze, compartmentalize and dissect; they know how to churn things around in circles. They do not know how to enter the imaginal."
Tennant, D. (2007).  Do You Exist?. Computerworld.
"You can no longer expect your professional standing to progress if you dont have an easily accessible, broadly informative presence on the Web. And while that virtual existence is essential in itself, it's not enough. You have to contribute something..."
Greenwald, M. (2005).  Facing the Beasts: Everybody’s a Critic. 2011,
"Everyone I meet has their own baggage of humanity, foibles that I would find it easy to criticize. But if I can reduce the amount of critical aggression I bring to a situation, my relationships become easier."
Silberman, S. (2003).  The Geek Syndrome.
Flattened workplace hierarchies are more comfortable for those who find it hard to read social cues. A WYSIWYG world, where respect and rewards are based strictly on merit, is an Asperger's dream.
Cox, A. M. (2003).  I Am Never Lonely: A brief history of employee personality testing.
"This first boom in personality testing reached its apogee with Henry C. Link's Employment Psychology, in 1919, in which he proclaimed:
'The ideal employment method is undoubtedly an immense machine which would receive applicants of all kinds at one end, automatically sort, interview, and record them, and finally turn them out at the other end nicely labeled with the job which they are to do.'
Godin, S. (2003).  In Praise of the Purple Cow.
"Tom Peters took the first whack with The Pursuit of Wow,1 a visionary book that described why the only products with a future are those created by passionate people." (p. 5)
  • 1. Citekey Peters2004 not found
Layton, M. (1999).  The Long Road to Forgiveness.
"In contrast to justice and acceptance, forgiveness is not only the recovery of our spirit, but also the enlargement of that spirit—somehow, some way—to imagine the humanity of the injuring person. And why would we want that?
In a great injury, something is broken, psychologically or spiritually. The break not only erodes our sense of living in a fair world, corrupts our experience of our own worth, and fragments our control over our own lives and emotions; it also fundamentally damages our faith in the worthiness of others. It is that loss of the other that we absorb, and somehow transform, in forgiveness."
Klein, N. (2009).  Michael Moore: America's Teacher.
"But we spend eight to ten to twelve hours of our daily lives at work, where we have no say. I think when anthropologists dig us up 400 years from now—if we make it that far—they're going to say, 'Look at these people back then. They thought they were free. They called themselves a democracy, but they spent ten hours of every day in a totalitarian situation and they allowed the richest 1 percent to have more financial wealth than the bottom 95 percent combined.'
Truly they're going to laugh at us the way we laugh at people 150 years ago who put leeches on people's bodies to cure them."
Rubin, H. (1999).  Only the Pronoid Survive.
"[Helena Cronin's] version of Darwinism shows that altruism and generosity create more rewards than their opposites do. She introduced the CEOs to the flip side of paranoia: "pronoia"—the idea that everyone is not out to get you, but that they are out to love you, or at least to appreciate you, if you reciprocate. According to the new Darwinism, only the pronoid survive—in fact, only the pronoid endure and flourish."
Lehrer, J. (2010).  The Power Trip.
"This [study result] suggests that even fleeting feelings of power can dramatically change the way people respond to information. Instead of analyzing the strength of the argument, those with authority focus on whether or not the argument confirms what they already believe. If it doesn't, then the facts are conveniently ignored."
Harper, J. (2011).  A Reason (and Season) to Stop Shunning.
"One of the least discussed aspects of bullying and mobbing, and perhaps the most powerful and damaging, is the practice of shunning."
Pink, D. H. (2005).  Revenge of the Right Brain.
"Any job that can be reduced to a set of rules is at risk. If a $500-a-month accountant in India doesn't swipe your accounting job, TurboTax will. Now that computers can emulate left-hemisphere skills, we'll have to rely ever more on our right hemispheres."
DeLong, T. J. (2011).  Why chronic comparing spells career poison.
"To a certain extent, ambitious professionals have always engaged in what I refer to as reverse schadenfreude—being pained by other people's success."
Culbert, S. A. (2011).  Why Your Boss Is Wrong About You.
"Under such a system [of performance appraisal], in which one's livelihood can be destroyed by a self-serving boss trying to meet a budget or please the higher-ups, what employee would ever speak his mind? What employee would ever say that the boss is wrong, and offer an idea on how something might get done better?
Only an employee looking for trouble."
Newspaper Article
Cain, S. (2012).  The Rise of the New Groupthink.
"Research strongly suggests that people are more creative when they enjoy privacy and freedom from interruption."
Norton, Q. (2014).  Against Productivity. Medium. Abstract
Productivity is a quality of perfect robots. Stories, adventures and all new things still have to come from messy humans.
Rosenfeld, J. (2000).  Andy Grove to CDU: Why Are You Looking at Me?. Fast Company. Abstract
"This false notion suggests that you get better outcomes by eliminating the weaker member of a group. That is supported by another Darwinian misreading: Only the strong survive, and the outcome will be better if you have people of first-rate strength. These assumptions have become the foundation of growth, progress, and capitalism: stronger, better, more. But they are not part of Darwinism. Darwin's insight was that competition can lead to all sorts of new ecological niches. If predators are devouring animals (like you) during the day, you might become nocturnal. If predators are becoming stronger or larger, you could become smaller, more mobile, or less visible. There is nothing vengeful or vindictive about Darwinian theory. Invoking Darwin to justify cutthroat behaviors is wrong."
Yates, M. D. (2015).  The Growing Degradation of Work and Life, and What We Might Do to End It. Abstract
"Corporations have used all of the control mechanisms at hand, techniques that have become both more sophisticated and punishing, to get fewer workers to convert ever more of their labor power into actual effort. This is true not just for manufacturing concerns like auto companies, which pioneered modern Taylorism, but by all private businesses (and public sector establishments such as colleges and the Social Security Administration), including especially today those in the service sector."
Mattiuzzi, P. G. (2014).  Pouring Salt on the Wound: Psychologists Identify the Effects of 'Institutional Betrayal'. Huffington Post. Abstract
"Institutional betrayal can involve acts of both omission and commission. Retaliation is the most obvious act of commission. A person complains and suddenly the organization turns hostile."
Journal Article
Vaisey, S. (2006).  Education and its Discontents: Overqualification in America, 1972-2002. Social Forces. 85(2), 835 - 864. Abstract
"In fact, in the case of hard work ideology, the overeducation effect is actually increasing in strength. That is, overqualified workers are increasingly likely to disavow the "American Dream" of success through hard work alone."
Marrone, J., & Golowka E. (1999).  If work makes people with mental illness sick, what do unemployment, poverty, and social isolation cause?. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. 23(2),  Abstract
"In fact, the change from the role of patient or client to a new role as worker in society is fragile at best. The journey to employment requires a more sensitive approach from all involved individuals (the worker, the professionals, family, and friends) to the extent that everyone can successfully leverage the potential and ability of the worker with an appreciation of the limitations that are part of the illness."
Brewington, J. O., Nassar-McMillan S. C., Flowers C. P., & Furr S. R. (2004).  A Preliminary Investigation of Factors Associated With Job Loss Grief. Career Development Quarterly. 53(1), 78 - 83. Abstract
"Involuntary job loss has far-reaching effects on the well-being of individuals and families (Bejian & Salomone, 1995; Leana & Feldman, 1994; Turner, Kessler, & House, 1991; Vinokur, Price, & Caplan, 1996). Job loss can result in loss of identity, social contacts, and self-worth (Amundson & Borgen, 1992; Beehr, 1995). Coupled with economic loss, the emotional toll can be devastating."
Brotherton, Robert, T. O. (2013).  Towards a definition of 'conspiracy theory'. Special issue: The psychology of conspiracy theories.
  • Conspiracy theories are unverified claims.
  • Conspiracy theories are less plausible alternatives to the mainstream explanation.
  • Conspiracy theories are sensationalistic.
  • Conspiracy theories assume that everything is intended.
  • Conspiracy theories assume unusually malign intent.
  • Conspiracy theories have low standards of evidence.
  • Conspiracy theories are epistemically self-insulating.

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