Joy at work: a revolutionary approach to fun on the job

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Title Joy at work: a revolutionary approach to fun on the job
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 2005
Authors Bakke, D. W.
Publisher PVG
Keywords appraisal, democracy, love
Notes appraisal"As Rob Lebow and Randy Spitzer wrote in Accountability: Freedom and Responsibility Without Control, 'Too often, appraisal destroys human spirit and, in the span of a 30-minute meeting, can transform a vibrant, highly committed employee into a demoralized, indifferent wallflower who reads the want ads on the weekend....They don't work because most performance appraisal systems are a form of judgement and control.'" (p. 110) love"I continue to believe that love is the final and crucial ingredient in a joy-filled workplace. It is a state of mind that requires no extra costs and no difficult trade-offs against competing organizational goals." (p 242)
democracy"'Democracy' felt so much better than having decisions imposed by the corporate home office, or the plant manager, or a member of the plant manager's staff, or the team leader. It was a good approach, but there was an even better alternative that would both increase the fun and the chances of success.

That alternative was giving people the opportunity from time to time to make an important decision or take and action individually, just as a player does in a team sport." (p. 96)