The Management Gurus: lessons from the best management books of all time

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Title The Management Gurus: lessons from the best management books of all time
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 2008
Authors Lauer, C.
Series Editor Maxwell, J. C.
Publisher Portfolio
Keywords conformity, hierarchy, patience
Notes hierarchy"Finally, the traditional hierarchy--the pyramid structure of almost all organizations--has to be discarded. The traditional top-down method of leadership is wasteful and ineffective because a company's need to innovate continues to conflict with shared assumptions about loyalty and unquestioning obedience. This situation must change." (p. 269)
patience"Prioritize Patience as a Virtue Worthy of Developing. Oft-quoted Arnold Glasgow stated, 'You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not smashing it.' In the long run, you will find that patience with people is beneficial to you. But you may not see a return right away." (p. 18)