Managers for tomorrow

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Title Managers for tomorrow
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1967
Authors Flory, C. D.
Publisher New American Library
Keywords appraisal, fear, freedom, motivation
Notes fear"The motivations for work that stem from the desire to hang on and protect ourselves from real or imaginary attack have one common core--the direction of the motivational force is negative. The aim is to avoid or minimize trouble. Work under such conditions is at best burdensome and at its worst approaches the nightmare fringes of terror. Short-range output may be high, but the endurance of the worker is as yet undetermined." (p. 134) creativity"Freedom to discover requires freedom to roam. Many managers today claim to want creative men around them, yet many do not know what to do with creativity when they stumble upon it." (p. 272)
appraisal, freedom"If the manager thinks of his central function as that of coordinating people around a task, the people quickly conclude the company is interested only in what it can get out of them. The individual's needs for growth, initiative, self-reliance, and self-actualization become submerged in a mass of performance data purporting to tell the manager how he is doing. Is it surprising that people who accept this concept of themselves on the job, and who let 'others do the thinking,' find it easy to accept this concept in all segments of their lives--in the community, at the polls, and in the state? Why should they vote for freedom of any kind when they have so little of it on the job where they spend most of their energy?" (p. 272)