Leadership Skills For Managers
Submitted by WorkCreatively on Thu, 04/25/2013 - 03:27
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Title | Leadership Skills For Managers |
Publication Type | Book |
Pub Year | 2002 |
Authors | Caroselli, M. |
Publisher | McGraw-Hill |
Keywords | craft, power |
Notes |
craft"W. Edwards Deming, one of the founding fathers of the quality movement, asserted that employees are rightfully entitled to the 'pride of workmanship'. Essential to that pride are job security, expectations, clear communications, and the proper tools." (p. 7) power"Because Lord Acton's quotation provides such a memorable sound bite--'Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely'--many leaders hesitate to learn the best ways to use power. Consequently, as Harvard's John Kotter remarks, they're failing to optimize their leadership potential. (p. 121) |
URL | http://books.google.com/books?id=wPkyn-ygVcAC |