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Tolle, E. (2007).  The Art of Presence.
"I'm not allowing this world to drive me insane—because the world will do it, because the world is the externalized human mind." (Chapter 2 @1:27:30)
Hornstein, H. A. (1996).  Brutal Bosses and Their Prey.
"Bosses can make or break your day, your month, your year, your career. They have the power to ease or intensify adverse reactions to normal organizational stress. Empirical evidence broadcasts a consistent message: People reporting to more considerate bosses are less likely to suffer the ravages of burnout and more likely to experience work satisfaction than those reporting to less considerate bosses. In fact, as an innoculation against burnout, respect from a boss offers more protection than salary. Conversely, there is solid evidence that working for unsupportive bosses is associated with higher levels of anxiety, depression, and even heart disease." (p. 69)
Field, T. (1996).  Bully in Sight: How to Predict, Resist, Challenge and Combat Workplace Bullying.
"Stress can be defined, albeit rather vaguely, as any form of physical, emotional, or psychological pressure, and its endemic presence in the modern workplace probably owes much to insecurity and coercion.
An alternative view of stress is a consequence of the degree to which people feel they lack control of themselves, their situation, and their life. If a person feels they cannot influence or control events in their life, they will feel anxious, and hence feel insecure and afraid." (p. 174)
Goleman, D. (1995).  Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.
"When emotionally upset, people cannot remember, attend, learn, or make decisions clearly. As one management consultant put it, 'Stress makes people stupid.'" (p. 149) "Understandably, the health risks seem greatest for those whose jobs are high in 'strain': having high-pressure performance demands while having no control over how to get the job done (a predicament that gives bus drivers for instance, a high rate of hypertension). For example, in a study of 569 patients with colorectal cancer and a matched comparison group, those who said that in the previous ten years they had experienced severe on-the-job aggravation were five and a half times more likely to have developed the cancer compared to those with no such stress in their lives." (p. 174)
Mockler, N., & Young L. (2002).  The End of Work As We Know It.
"Employees who report a high level of stress had 46 percent higher medical costs than do those who report low levels. One in every four workers between the ages of 25 and 44 report stress-induced nervous strain so severe it diminishes their job performance. What's more, 40 percent of workplace turnover is due to job stress." (p. 15)
Haden Elgin, S. (2000).  The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense at Work.
"The majority of illnesses and disorders that develop in the workplace have emotional stress and their direct or indirect cause." (p. 125)
Eliot, R. S., Breo D. L., & Debakey M. E. (1989).  Is It Worth Dying For?.
"In America, people are identified by what they do, to the point that it often seems they are their work—in the eyes of others and even in their own eyes. It's no accident that we introduce ourselves by telling what we do for a living. That's why losing a job, being out of the job market for a long time, having serious conflict at work, or feeling torn between work and home can threaten much more than a source of income. These job stresses can undermine one's sense of personal worth and identity." (p. 209)
Stoner, J. A. F., & Freeman R. E. (1989).  Management.
"People who feel that they are not involved in decisions that influence their jobs experience relatively high levels of stress." (p. 738)
O'Toole, J., Lawler E. I. I. I., & Meisinger S. R. (2007).  The New American Workplace.
"In particular, there was growing evidence that if unnecessary job stress could be reduced, workers would suffer fewer heart attacks and strokes.... Moreover, a growing body of data suggested that many mental health problems have their genesis at work, and excessive drug and alcohol use are linked with certain occupations and conditions of employment." (p. 103)
Thomas, M. (1998).  A New Attitude: Achieve Personal and Professional Success by Keeping a Positive Mental Outlook. A New Attitude.
"Research shows that people in the lower echelons of their companies are more susceptible to stress and its negative effects than those at the top. Employees on the lower rungs of the corporate ladder often have high-demand jobs and little control." (p. 99)
Swenson, R., & M.D. R. S. A. (1999).  The Overload Syndrome: Learning to Live Within Your Limits.
"The recent book Finding Time: How Corporations, Individuals, and Families Can Benefit from New Work Practices describes work stress among software engineers, thus highlighting issues important throughout many occupations. 'Knowledge workers, like senior executives, experience immense pressure to . . . put work above all else,' observes University of Michigan business professor Leslie A. Perlow, who studied a Fortune 500 company to write the book. 'Engineers believe that they must be perceived as always willing to "accommodate the demands of the work." . . .They should be willing to do whatever is asked, not just in terms of producing output but also in terms of working whatever hours are deemed necessary to get the job done.' As long as nobody's getting hurt, what's the big deal? The big deal is—somebody's getting hurt." (p. 179)
Sehnert, K. W. (1981).  Stress/Unstress: How You Can Control Stress at Home and on the Job.
"The value of this Self Test for Stress Levels is that if you are getting totals of 300 or more, you are well-advised to take it easy for a year or so with any major life decisions. Not making a decision to change is an acceptable option."
O'Hara, V. (1995).  Wellness 9 to 5: Managing Stress at Work.
"My encounter with job stress is part of an epidemic. In the United States, over 75 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are to treat stress-related complaints, and the vast majority of these complaints are job-related (Wallace, 1992). Work site stress can kill the very spirit of who we are as individuals. Our dreams, aspirations, creative goals, and hopes to 'make a difference' wither and die if the stress of daily work obscures our capabilities." (p. 5)
Ressler, C., & Thompson J. (2008).  Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It: No Schedules, No Meetings, No Jokeā€“the Simple Change That Can Make Your Job Terrific.
"And we bet you could find a lot of people who might wonder how much longer we can go on like this. At this level of stress. In this toxic atmosphere." (p. 16)
Solomon, M. (1990).  Working With Difficult People.
Phenomenal advances in technology have led to a demand for speedier production. Couple that with hiring and firing in the labor market, and stress may become overwhelming. Even patient people can appear apoplectic."

See also: conflict, fear, burnout, wellness

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SKOS Concept Scheme

SKOS concepts and relations

Concept Scheme: business culture/management vocabulary

URI: business culture/management vocabulary


  • Concept: stress
    • preferred: stress
    • alternate: tension
    • definition: (psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense; "he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension"; "stress is a vasoconstrictor"
    • related: conflict
    • related: fear
    • related: burnout
    • closeMatch:
    • keyword-14
    • antonym: wellness
    • linked content:
      • sense: stress
      • sense: tenseness
      • sense: tension
      • tension
      • in scheme:
      • gloss: (psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense; "he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension"; "stress is a vasoconstrictor"
      • hyponym of:
      • synset id: 114376188
  • W3C SKOS spec
    RDF source

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