The End of Work As We Know It

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Title The End of Work As We Know It
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 2002
Authors Mockler, N., & Young L.
Tertiary Authors Matthews, A.
Publisher IUniverse
Keywords disability, flexibility, ROWE, stress
Notes disability"The U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health tells us that stress is becoming the biggest reason for workplace disability claims."
stress"Employees who report a high level of stress had 46 percent higher medical costs than do those who report low levels. One in every four workers between the ages of 25 and 44 report stress-induced nervous strain so severe it diminishes their job performance. What's more, 40 percent of workplace turnover is due to job stress." (p. 15)
ROWE"What is the main reason for job stress? Not tight deadlines or irascible bosses, studies show. Instead. it is the feeling of loss of control. If there were a better way to reinstate that sense of control than to let an employee participate in decisions as to when, where and how he will work, it would be news to us. Based on feedback from the thousands of people we've worked with, flexibility is the key." (p. 15)
flexiblity"We believe, and we have the research to back it up, that there is no more effective management strategy for improving productivity at the professional level than flexible staffing. Simply put, non-traditional staffing strategies energize, motivate and focus employees in ways that are undeniable." (p. 140)