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Goleman, D., Kaufman P., & Ray M. (1993).  The Creative Spirit.
"'Love is not a word people talk about easily', says Larry Wilson, 'Yet, increasingly, we're seeing that people are wanting to know that somebody cares about them, that they are not just seen as some interchangeable part. Real leadership is about demonstrating that your intention is to care for people and support their growth.'" (p. 139)
Goleman, D. (1995).  Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.
"When emotionally upset, people cannot remember, attend, learn, or make decisions clearly. As one management consultant put it, 'Stress makes people stupid.'" (p. 149)
Goleman, D., Boyatzis R. E., & McKee A. (2002).  Primal leadership: realizing the power of emotional intelligence.
"Leaders often talk about wanting to get their people 'aligned' with their strategy. But that word suggests a mechanical image of getting all the pencils pointing in the same direction, like a magnetic field lining up the polarity of molecules. It isn't that simple. Strategies, couched as they are in the dry language of corporate goals, speak mainly to the rational brain, the neocortex. Strategic visions (and the plans that follow from them) are typically linear and limited, bypassing the elements of heart and passion essential for building commitment." (p. 208)
Goleman, D. (2006).  Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships.
"Feeling secure, Kohlrieser argues, lets a person focus better on the work at hand, achieve goals, and see obstacles as challenges, not threats. Those who are anxious, in contrast, readily become preoccupied with the specter of failure, fearing that doing poorly will mean they will be rejected or abandoned (in this context, fired)—and so they play it safe." (p. 277)
Goleman, D. (2000).  Working with Emotional Intelligence.
"There is a politics of empathy: Those with little power are typically expected to sense the feelings of those who hold power, while those in power feel less obligation to be sensitive in return. In other words, the studied lack of empathy is a way power-holders can tacitly assert their authority." (p. 144)

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