A New Attitude: Achieve Personal and Professional Success by Keeping a Positive Mental Outlook

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Title A New Attitude: Achieve Personal and Professional Success by Keeping a Positive Mental Outlook
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1998
Authors Thomas, M.
Series Title A New Attitude
Publisher Career PressInc
Keywords burnout, control, stress
Notes stress"Research shows that people in the lower echelons of their companies are more susceptible to stress and its negative effects than those at the top. Employees on the lower rungs of the corporate ladder often have high-demand jobs and little control." (p. 99) burnout"Speak up. If you're unhappy with some aspect of your job, talk it over with your boss. It won't do you any good to suffer in silence." (p. 90)
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=ZeVUq_OL4tYC