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Crosby, P. B. (1980).  Quality Is Free.
"Objectivity comes with not placing the blame for problems on individuals. Aim the questions and probing at the job. The job is what failed, not the individual. It may be that the two are imperfectly matched and you have to change one or the other. Either way, the individual has the chance to improve another time, under different conditions." (p. 75)
Deming, E. W. (1982).  Quality Productivity and Competitive Position.
"The economic loss from fear is appalling. It is necessary, for better quality and productivity, that people feel secure." (p. 33)
Blanchard, K., & Bowles S. (1993).  Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach To Customer Service.
"A customer's vision has meaning only in the context of your own vision." (p. 52)
Conley, C. (2001).  The Rebel Rules: Daring to be Yourself in Business.
"Most people never make this connection [that their creative abilities are an asset]. They jump on society's bandwagon, averting the risk of repeating some painful childhood memory. They continue to fear and avoid dangers that, while once all too real, have no relevance in their lives today. Sometimes we even try to hide our youthful talents and gifts for fear they're not acceptable. The net result is a disconnected life—one that is too familiar to many of us." (p. 29)
Hammer, M., & Champy J. (1994).  Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution.
"We found that many tasks that employees performed had nothing at all to do with meeting customer needs—that is, creating a product high in quality, supplying that product at a fair price, and providing excellent service. Many tasks were done simply to satisfy the internal demands of the company's own organization." (p. 4)
Westhues, K., & Baldwin J. A. (2006).  The remedy and prevention of mobbing in higher education : two case studies.
"Far from being a slang expression, mobbing is the scientific term Leymann drew from the ethological studies of Nobel Laureate Konrad Lorenz (1967)1, to describe fanatic ganging up of managers and/or co-workers against a targeted worker, subjection of the target to a barrage of hostile communications, humiliations, threats, and tricks, toward the end of driving the target out of his or her job." (p. 2)
Brock, F. (2004).  Retire on Less Than You Think: The New York Times Guide to Planning Your Financial Future.
"What I am opposed to is continuing to work when what you really want to do is retire or perhaps change course. This is especially true if you are burned out or in a dead-end job, as many people in their middle to late fifties find themselves." (p. 33)
Trompenaars, A., & Hampden-Turner C. (1998).  Riding the waves of culture : understanding cultural diversity in global business.
"In the original American concept of internal and external sources of control, the implication is that the outer-directed person is offering an excuse for failure rather than a new wisdom. In other nations it is not seen as personal weakness to acknowledge the strength of external forces or the arbitrariness of events." (p. 149)
Levy, R. M., Dorsen N., & Rubenstein L. S. (1996).  The Rights of People with Mental Disabilities: The authoritative ACLU guide to the rights of people with mental illness and mental retardation.
"A reasonable accommodation is an alteration in the work environment that will enable the employee to perform the essential functions of the job. The accommodation must be practicable and reasonable in terms of cost to the employer and ease of accomplishment; in the words of the ADA, it cannot be an 'undue hardship' to the employer. The accommodation can be physical, such as a ramp up a few steps or and amplification device on the telephone. For people with mental disabilities, the core of reasonable accommodation is an adjustment to the work environment that will enable the person to perform at a productive level. These can include such changes as:
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Reassignment to a different job
  • Changes in the physical location of work
  • Alterations in supervision
  • Unpaid leave for therapy
  • Sensitizing coworkers
There are many other kinds of accommodations that can be developed jointly by the employer and the employee and tailored to fit individual circumstances. Indeed, the ADA requires that reasonable accommodation be developed together in an 'informal, interactive process.' The employer can neither impose an accommodation ('Go to therapy or be fired') or demand that the employee devise one." (p. 159)
Gates, B., Myhrvold N., & Rinearson P. (1995).  The Road Ahead.
"As behaviorists keep reminding us, we're social animals. We will have the option of staying home more because the [information] highway will create so many new options for home-based entertainment, for communications—both personal and professional—and for employment. Although the mix of activities will change, I think people will decide to spend almost as much time out of their homes." (p 206)
Kuhlmann, A. (2011).  Rock Then Roll: The Secrets of Culture-Driven Leadership.
"Nothing I can say will be more important to remember than this: you need an enemy. They can be real or imagined, but you need one." (p. 110)
Simmons, A. (1999).  A Safe Place for Dangerous Truths: Using Dialogue to Overcome Fear & Distrust at Work.
"In a strict hierarchy, when someone in power has the reputation for retribution, it would be irresponsible to encourage the discussion of dangerous truths. One time I believed a manager's self-description as 'open-minded and empowering.' Introducing dialogue into her group was a mistake. She was not open-minded and had a reputation for shooting the messenger. The result was agony—two hours of people squirming in their seats, eyes darting longingly toward the door, and no one daring to tell the truth." (p. 194)
Fromm, E. (1955).  The Sane Society.
"[Man] is part of the machine, rather than its master as an active agent. The machine, instead of being in his service to do work for him which once had to be performed by sheer physical energy, has become his master. Instead of the machine being the substitute for human energy, man has become a substitute for the machine. His work can be defined as the performance of acts which cannot yet be performed by machines." (p. 180)
Dyckman, J. M., & Cutler J. A. (2003).  Scapegoats at Work: Taking the Bull's-eye Off Your Back. 212. Abstract
"There is almost always some truth to the accusations against a scapegoat, but many other sins are laid against their name that rightly belong elsewhere. Punishing or excluding the scapegoat serves to relieve the system of the need to examine the structural problems of the system and of all concerned to explore their own participation in the problem. The ability of scapegoating to provide simple apparent 'solutions' to complex problems is part of its power." (p. 11)
Shorris, E. (1984).  Scenes from Corporate.
"The men and women who work in middle management and technical jobs in corporations suffer from fear, but not from cowardice. Their ability to endure fear in the struggle to achieve happiness as it has been defined for them proves that they are not cowards. They lack options. They may move from corporation to corporation, but the systems in which they live do not change with the change of employment. As they grow older, even that illusory option disappears. Then they must choose between human alienation and their accustomed standard of living." (p. 284)
Finley, G., Howard V., & Arnaz D. (2002).  The Secret of Letting Go.
"A man who doesn't know his true identity does not know that he really doesn't know. The fact that he is confused, frightened and still searching for himself remains almost totally unsuspected by him, because he has unknowingly assumed a false identity.

This temporary, false self feels real because it is animated and driven along by the man's reactions as he seeks himself. The fact that this lower nature is driven does not mean it is alive. A bulldozer rolls along too, but it cannot see or understand why it smashes into things. It is a machine. So, in many ways, is the false self." (p. 34)

Bok, S. (1989).  Secrets : On the Ethics of Concealment and Revelation.
"The alarms of whistleblowers would be unnecessary were it not for the many threats to the public interest shielded by practices of secrecy in domains such as law, medicine, commerce, industry, science, and government. Given these practices, whistleblowers perform an indispensable public service; but they do so at great human cost, and without any assurance that they uncover most, or even the worst, abuses. While they deserve strong support in their endeavors, every effort should therefore be made to combat the problems they signal by other means." (p. 228)
Weiss, D. H. (1998).  Secrets of the Wild Goose: The Self-Management Way to Increase Your Personal Power and Inspire Productive Teamwork.
"'Constructive criticism'? It's an oxymoron. Criticism, by definition, is destructive." (p. 142)

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