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Fuller, R. W. (2003).  Somebodies and Nobodies: Overcoming the Abuse of Rank.
"Institutional rank abuse skews the judgment of management and employees away from organizational goals toward self-aggrandizement in the first case, self-preservation in the latter." (p. 30)
Breathnach, S. B. (1998).  Something More : Excavating your Authentic Self.
"'Disillusion only comes to the illusioned,' Dorothy Thompson reminds us in The Courage to be Happy, written in 1957. 'One cannot be disillusioned of what one never put faith in,' especially ourselves." (p. 159)
Bowker, G. C., & Star S. L. (2000).  Sorting Things Out: Classification and Its Consequences.
"Information technology operates through a series of displacements, from action to representation, from the politics of conflict to the invisible politics of forms and bureaucracy. Decades ago, Max Weber wrote of the iron cage of bureaucracy. Modern humans, he posited, are constrained at every juncture from true freedom of action by a set of rules of our own making. Some of these rules are formal, most are not. Information infrastructure adds another level of depth to the iron cage. In its layers, and in its complex interdependencies, it is a gossamer web with iron at its core." (p. 320)
Greider, W. (2003).  The Soul of Capitalism: Opening Paths to a Moral Economy.
"Employers are willing to pay a higher cost for temp laborers because they are disposable. 'We call it pimping people out,' says Suzie Qusenberry, 'because that's really what it is. I'm going to pimp you out for $8 an hour and all you're going to get is $5.35.' They take the money and you do the work. Isn't that just like pimping?'"
Etzioni, A. (1994).  Spirit Of Community.
"If businesses would cooperate with parents to make it easier for them to earn a living and attend to their children, the corporate payoffs would be much more than social approbation: they would gain a labor force that is much better able to perform." (p. 67)
Hirigoyen, M. - F. (2000).  Stalking the Soul.
"Abuse of power has always existed but today it is often disguised. Executives talk about autonomy and initiative but still demand submissiveness and obedience. Employees march to their company's drummer because they are haunted by management's bottom line, the threat of unemployment, and the constant reminder of their responsibility and therefore possible blame." (p. 68)
Daoust, T. (1990).  Staying Employed: What You Must Do Today to Ensure You Have a Job Tomorrow.
"Working at home has become acceptable—in fact, fashionable—just in the last few years. Many people dream of not having to fight traffic or play office politics but instead staying home and doing their work on a computer." (p. 179)
Goffman, E. (1986).  Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity.
"That which can be told about an individual's social identity at all times during his daily round and by all persons he encounters therein will be of great importance to him. The consequence of a presentation that is perforce made to the public at large may be small in particular contacts, but in every contact there will be some consequences, which, when taken together, can be immense. Further, routinely available information about him is the base from which he must begin when deciding what tack to take in regard to whatever stigma he possesses. Thus, any change in the way the individual must always and everywhere present himself will for these very reasons be fateful—this presumably providing the Greeks with the idea of stigma in the first place." (p. 48)
Pritchett, L. (1995).  Stop Paddling & Start Rocking the Boat: Business Lessons from the School of Hard Knocks.
"Visionaries have to come to work willing to be fired. That's the price you must pay. You've got to be willing to take chances, to speak up, to rattle cages, to challenge the basic premises, to suggest a better way of doing things." p. 222
Janis, I. L. (1969).  Stress and frustration.
"Once we encounter a vivid demonstration of our vulnerability to a potential source of danger, we cannot maintain a relaxed attitude. We can no longer assume that the danger applies only to other people, that we shall never be touched by it." (p. 85)
Charlesworth, E. A., & Nathan R. G. (1985).  Stress Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Wellness.
"Are You Sitting on a Two-Legged Stool?
Most of us are striving for a happy and meaningful life. Balance is needed to achieve and maintain such a life. Balance means that you avoid building your life around one person or one thing, no matter how wonderful it may seem. If you do, no matter who or what it is, losing it could be devastating." (p. 186)
Sehnert, K. W. (1981).  Stress/Unstress: How You Can Control Stress at Home and on the Job.
"The value of this Self Test for Stress Levels is that if you are getting totals of 300 or more, you are well-advised to take it easy for a year or so with any major life decisions. Not making a decision to change is an acceptable option."
Chang, R. Y. (1994).  Success through teamwork: a practical guide to interpersonal team dynamics.
"Not all team members are equally motivated to participate and be productive. In addition to motivating productive members, you must motivate average or nonparticipating members to increase their commitment to the team.
The following strategies can help you turn nonparticipating team members into active participants:
* Seek their advice
* Make them teachers
* Involve them in presentations
* Delegate 'star projects' " (p. 85)
Burger, C. (1966).  Survival in the Executive Jungle.
"One executive who decided that, after all, every major company president already had his own corporate aircraft, topped them all by arranging round-trip helicopter transportation from his front lawn directly to the company parking lot each morning and evening. To the board of directors he provided many rationalizations: the helicopter conserved his precious time and energy; it wasn't that much more expensive than a chauffeured limousine. The true reason, of course, was that it gave him a feeling of importance that no amount of money could supply." (p. 170)
Clark, A. D., & Perkins P. (1996).  Surviving Your Boss: How to Cope With Office Politics and Get on With Your Job.
"In any situation of change, conflict, or misunderstanding there is anger. Anger frequently masks fear. Fear in situations of conflict and change is very predictable. And with anger there is usually blame, for oneself and for others. Anger is one of the most destructive forces in the workplace today. It is ultimately a fatal emotion. Studies show that about 20 percent of us have hostility levels high enough to be dangerous—to our own health and to those around us. Hostility level is associated with increased smoking, drinking, eating, and weight gain. Hostility has long been a well-established contributor to coronary risk and heart disease, as well as myriad other illnesses.
It's likely you have experienced the relationship between anger, depression, resentment, and low self-esteem. You know about the aches and pains that come from tension. The fatigue and lack of joy that ensue as days are increasingly filled with the burden of frustration and suppressed rage." (p. 96)
Mackay, H. B. (1989).  Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive.
"Genius may not always be associated with messiness, but the following words are very much to the point:
Picture to yourself the darkest, most disorderly place imaginable...blotches of moisture covered the ceiling; an oldish grand piano, on which the dust disputed the place with various pieces of engraved and manuscript music; under the piano (I do not exaggerate) an unemptied chamber pot; beside it a small walnut table accustomed to the frequent overturning of the secretary placed on it; a quantity of pens encrusted with ink, compared with which the proverbial tavern pens would shine; then more music. The chairs, mostly cane—seated, were covered with plates bearing the remains of last night's supper, and with wearing apparel, etc.
That passage is found in The Lives of the Great Composers, by Harold C. Schonberg. It is Baron de Tremont's description of Beethoven's 'Office." (p. 141)
Jaffe, D. T., & Scott C. (1988).  Take This Job and Love It: How to Change Your Work Without Changing Your Job.
"Burnout is of epidemic proportions because of a delay in companies' responding to the new needs of their workforce, or mismatch between what people want from their job and what the job offers them. Burnout signals not that people are working too hard but that they are not used enough. It recedes when the individual worker is empowered to make the workplace different and when the company makes a commitment to serve its employees." (p. 39)
Heider, J. (1986).  The Tao of leadership: Lao Tzu's Tao te ching adapted for a new age.
"If you measure success in terms of praise and criticism, your anxiety will be endless." (p. 25)
Brod, C. (1984).  Techno Stress: The Human Cost of the Computer Revolution.
"Unemployment ultimately eats away at self-esteem. We normally spend much of our time discussing work, socializing with our co-workers, and thinking about our jobs. We identify with the work we do. Status is earned according to what we do, how much we earn, and whether or not we supervise others, and, if so, how many. Our sense of worth, confidence, and security disappears when we lose our jobs." (p. 57)

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