Secrets of the Wild Goose: The Self-Management Way to Increase Your Personal Power and Inspire Productive Teamwork

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Title Secrets of the Wild Goose: The Self-Management Way to Increase Your Personal Power and Inspire Productive Teamwork
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1998
Authors Weiss, D. H.
Publisher AMACOM
Keywords creativity, criticism, flexibility
Notes criticism"'Constructive criticism'? It's an oxymoron. Criticism, by definition, is destructive." (p. 142)
flexibility"When people talk about flexibility in business, they usually refer to relationships with people: understanding employees and managers, empathizing with their concerns, and helping them harmonize their work and personal lives. However, besides, personal flexibility, you need organizational flexibility--not just to support making change happen but also to initiate it. You also need flexible managers capable of sparking creativity and innovation as well as committing themselves to strategy-powered evolution or revolution." (p. 119)