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Ciulla, J. B. (2001).  The Working Life: The Promise and Betrayal of Modern Work.
"The flexible workplace can be a solution to the time problems families face, or it can be the root of their problems. We have gone from moving our homes into the organization to moving the organization into our homes. It again raises the question of whether life should be part of work or work part of life. Where do you go at the end of the day when you work at home?"
Reina, D. S., Reina M. L., & Chagnon M. L. (1999).  Trust and Betrayal in the Workplace.
"Do employees know you care about them? As leaders attempting to navigate change in your organizations, do you have the compassion to acknowledge the uncertainty, confusion, vulnerability, and pain that you feel and that your employees must feel? Do you remain sensitive to how your actions affect others? This level of relating produces the very type of climate organizations are attempting to create, one that is flexible and adaptable." (p. 160)
Trump, D., & Schwartz T. (2005).  Trump: The Art of the Deal. Ballantine Books.
"Most people are surprised by the way I work. I play it very loose. I don't carry a briefcase. I try not to schedule too many meetings. I leave my door open. You can't be imaginative or entrepreneurial if you've got too much structure. I prefer to come to work each day and just see what develops."
Etzioni, A. (1994).  Spirit Of Community.
"If businesses would cooperate with parents to make it easier for them to earn a living and attend to their children, the corporate payoffs would be much more than social approbation: they would gain a labor force that is much better able to perform." (p. 67)
Weiss, D. H. (1998).  Secrets of the Wild Goose: The Self-Management Way to Increase Your Personal Power and Inspire Productive Teamwork.
"When people talk about flexibility in business, they usually refer to relationships with people: understanding employees and managers, empathizing with their concerns, and helping them harmonize their work and personal lives. However, besides, personal flexibility, you need organizational flexibility—not just to support making change happen but also to initiate it. You also need flexible managers capable of sparking creativity and innovation as well as committing themselves to strategy-powered evolution or revolution." (p. 119)
Schein, E. H. (1979).  Organizational Psychology.
"The main conclusion will be that there is no one answer, no 'perfect' way to organize or to design work. Instead, one must become diagnostic and flexible, sensitive to events and their subjective interpretation by the participants in a given situation, so that one can choose a course of action appropriate to that situation."
Cummings, T. G., & Molloy E. S. (1977).  Improving Productivity and the Quality of Work Life.
Report on a workplace study authored in 1972:
"The man doing the job is the one to say what time is likely to be wasted. Also, the man who not is pressed, rushed into missing breakfast, or subjected to a guilty conscience by being late is far more likely to really contribute to a team's performance.
Finally, it says, 'Flexible working is something that will inevitably be adopted in the future, and management have the choice of leading towards a situation which they have helped create, or being compelled to accept something not to their liking.'"
Potash, M. (1990).  Hidden Agendas.
"A psychological contract and a relationship that works for both parties is flexible enough to accomodate both shattered illusions and changing circumstances. However, that flexibility is not easy to come by and most of us at least initially resist altering our expectations in any way. Instead, we become all the more determined to make the other person or the relationship measure up to our standards." (p 147)
Covey, S. R., Merrill R. A., & Merrill R. R. (1994).  First Things First.
They're more flexible and spontaneous.
They're not chained to plans and schedules. Schedules are important, but not all-important. Principle-centered people see life as an adventure. They're like courageous explorers going on an expedition into uncharted territory—they're not really sure what's going to happen, but they're confident it will be exciting and growth producing, and that they will discover new territory and make new contributions."
Gordon, D. M. (1996).  Fat and Mean: The Corporate Squeeze of Working Americans and the Myth of Managerial "Downsizing".
"Part of the problem with the emergence of the 'disposable' worker is that the potential advantages of true 'flexiblity' at work have been compromised. Employers can benefit from some leeway in how they schedule their workforce. And many employees, especially those with children, can benefit from choice and discretion in scheduling their own working time. But disposability is not flexibility. As a result of recent trends, part-time and more contingent work is becoming a sentence, not an opportunity. Workers are losing rights, choice, and benefits." (p. 246)

See also: ROWE, freedom, accommodation, administrative slack, rigidity

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SKOS Concept Scheme

SKOS concepts and relations

Concept Scheme: business culture/management vocabulary

URI: business culture/management vocabulary


  • Concept: flexibility
    • preferred: flexibility
    • alternate: adaptability
    • definition: the quality of being adaptable or variable; "he enjoyed the flexibility of his working arrangement"
    • related: ROWE
    • related: freedom
    • related: accommodation
    • related: administrative_slack
    • closeMatch:
    • keyword-12
    • antonym: rigidity
    • linked content:
      • sense: flexibility
      • sense: flexibleness
      • flexibility
      • in scheme:
      • gloss: the quality of being adaptable or variable; "he enjoyed the flexibility of his working arrangement"
      • hyponym of:
      • synset id: 104659287
  • W3C SKOS spec
    RDF source

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