Trust and Betrayal in the Workplace

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Title Trust and Betrayal in the Workplace
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1999
Authors Reina, D. S., Reina M. L., & Chagnon M. L.
Publisher Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Keywords betrayal, caring, community, compassion, flexibility, forgiveness, trust, vulnerability
Notes trust"Transformative trust occurs when the amount of trust within a team or organization reaches a critical point and increases exponentially, becoming self-generating and synergistic. Four core characteristics are usually present: conviction, courage, compassion, and community." (p. 155)
compassion, flexibility"Do employees know you care about them? As leaders attempting to navigate change in your organizations, do you have the compassion to acknowledge the uncertainty, confusion, vulnerability, and pain that you feel and that your employees must feel? Do you remain sensitive to how your actions affect others? This level of relating produces the very type of climate organizations are attempting to create, one that is flexible and adaptable." (p. 160)
forgiveness"The act of forgiveness which is an act of compassion is an act of creation in itself. It is the process of letting go that frees up our energy for more productive purposes. Forgiveness permits the rebuilding of trust to begin. ln this sense, trust is an act of creation. By making the first move to rebuild a relationship, by extending trust, we create trust. By being willing to forgive others who have broken trust with us, we begin to rebuild relationships. We are not talking about naively forgiving or granting blind trust here. We may forgive the person, but we won't forget the behavior that broke the trust." (p. 196)