First Things First

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Title First Things First
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1994
Authors Covey, S. R., Merrill R. A., & Merrill R. R.
Publisher Simon & Schuster
Keywords challenge, flexibility
Notes challenge"Arnold Toynbee, the great historian, said that all of history can be written in a simple little formula-challenge, response. The challenge is created by the environment, and then the individual, the institution, the society comes up with a response. Then there's another challenge, another response. The formula is constantly being repeated.

The problem is that these responses become codified. They get set in cement. They become a part of the very way we think and the way we perform. They may be good procedures, good practices. But when we're faced with a new challenge the old practices no longer apply. They become obsolete. We're out in the wilderness trying to navigate with a road map." (p. 53)

They're more flexible and spontaneous.
They're not chained to plans and schedules. Schedules are important, but not all-important. Principle-centered people see life as an adventure. They're like courageous explorers going on an expedition into uncharted territory--they're not really sure what's going to happen, but they're confident it will be exciting and growth producing, and that they will discover new territory and make new contributions."