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Korten, D. C. (2001).  When Corporations Rule the World.
"Human well-being will never be secured by the kind of economic growth demanded by a rogue financial system that values people, planet, and the civilizing bonds of culture and community only for their current market price. It comes down to a question of how we want to live. If we want societies that value life more than money, we must re-create our institutions accordingly." (p. 229)
Kushner, H. S. (1987).  When All You've Ever Wanted Isn't Enough.
"Martin Buber, an important twentieth-century theologian, taught that our relationships with others take either of two forms. They are either I-It, treating the other person as an object, seeing him only in terms of what he does, or I-Thou, seeing the other as a subject, being aware of the other person's needs and feelings as well as one's own." (p. 54)
Lewin, R., & Regine B. (2001).  Weaving complexity and business: engaging the soul at work. 356. Abstract
"How then do we begin to generate caring and connected relationships at work? We begin with awareness. We begin by being aware of the world of relationships and by paying as much attention to these micro dynamics in organizations—how they influence social processes and psychological health of individuals—as we currently do to macro issues, such as economic performance and strategies." (p. 305)
Lundin, W., & Lundin K. (1998).  When Smart People Work for Dumb Bosses: How to Survive in a Crazy and Dysfunctional Workplace.
"This is not the first time you've heard how an evaluation report mashed the brains of an employee. Why so powerful? It's this. The assessment of performance comes from the one person above all others who can most affect the emotions of an employee, one's supervisor. That changes the meaning of everything. That document can alter reality: Good can become bad, up can become down, and smart become dumb." (p. 135)
Mackay, H. B. (2004).  We Got Fired!: . . . And It's the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Us.
"If I have one piece of advice to young people, it's to break rules. Let's first assume you are delivering way more than what is expected of you. You have to do much more than the expected to compete today, because there are plenty of people out there happy to do the minimum. If you are already overdelivering, and breaking a rule will help you deliver more, then go ahead. Ask yourself a question: Will breaking a rule really help everyone out, not just myself? Is the answer yes? Then go ahead and break the rule. I'm not talking about doing anything criminal or unethical. I mean not following some stupid policy or convention. You'll have more fun and everyone will learn more. Most of all, you'll deliver more." (p. 264)
McDargh, E. (1997).  Work for a Living and Still Be Free to Live.
"...humiliations from within and without were the chief complaints. Above all [Terkel] noted, 'To survive the day is triumph enough for the walking wounded among the great many of us.'" (p. 8)
O'Hara, V. (1995).  Wellness 9 to 5: Managing Stress at Work.
"My encounter with job stress is part of an epidemic. In the United States, over 75 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are to treat stress-related complaints, and the vast majority of these complaints are job-related (Wallace, 1992). Work site stress can kill the very spirit of who we are as individuals. Our dreams, aspirations, creative goals, and hopes to 'make a difference' wither and die if the stress of daily work obscures our capabilities." (p. 5)
von Oech, R. (1990).  A whack on the side of the head: how you can be more creative.
"If you think you're creative, then you'll put yourself in situations where you can use your creativity, where you can take a few risks and try some new approaches, and where you come up with new ideas." (p. 166)
Redekop, C., & Bender U. A. (1988).  Who Am I? What Am I: Search for Meaning in Your Work.
"Work is one of the most important sources of personal meaning, and, therefore, self-acceptance. Research on the unemployed underscores this conclusion emphatically. Furthermore, the same research insists that the degree of self-depreciation felt by a person out of work can only be realized by experience."
Ressler, C., & Thompson J. (2008).  Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It: No Schedules, No Meetings, No Joke–the Simple Change That Can Make Your Job Terrific.
"You're stuck in a cube with a desktop computer and a phone with a cord so you can be there in person should your manager walk over to check up on whether or not you're working. The game becomes looking busy instead of working hard and solving problems and contributing. It's a game no one wins. You lose your freedom, your motivation, your soul, and in exchange for control over your life, your company gets little more than a show of work." (p. 28)
Robinson, J. (2003).  Work to Live.
"We fear the silence of time not filled, the questions and self-judgment that may come up when we're not completely consumed with work or other distractions. Yet it's precisely the ability to stop and still your mind long enough to figure out what you need in life and whether your current course is getting you there that allows you to reach your goals. It frees you from the external noise to find out what a meaningful life is for you. Otherwise, you're running blind on somebody else's track, where busyness and productivity substitute for what's missing inside, peace of mind, which can only be generated within that same mind." (p. 141)
Ruth, R. (1996).  Working with Problems of Narcissism in Entrepreneurial Organizations.
"Already weakened by environmental forces not facilitative of psychological development, and further constrained by widespread idealization of narcissistic relating as a kind of counterphobic social defense, workers and managers in entrepreneurial organizations, and entrepreneurs and their organizations themselves, seem almost dragged by inertia into object-delinked modes of work. How to generate creativity and productive developmental momentum out of such frightening chaos is the task."
Schwartz, P., & Gibb B. (1999).  When Good Companies Do Bad Things: Responsibility and Risk in an Age of Globalization.
"From our participation in scores of conferences and conversations about corporate social responsibility, we have found that most of us bring heavy baggage to this issue in the form of deep-seated and often unquestioned assumptions." (p. 96)
Seligman, M. E. P. (1994).  What You Can Change and What You Can't: The Complete Guide to Successful Self-Improvement.
"It is a disturbing idea that depressed people see reality correctly while nondepressed people distort reality in a self-serving way. As a therapist I was trained to believe that it is my job to help a depressed patient to feel both happier and see the world more clearly. I am supposed to be the agent of happiness as well as the agent of truth. But maybe truth and happiness antagonize each other. Perhaps what we have considered good therapy for a depressed patient merely nurtures benign illusions, making the patient think that her world is better than it actually is." (p. 199)
Shechtman, M. R. (1994).  Working Without a Net: How to Survive and Thrive in Today's High Risk Business World.
"Self-disclosers explain to others who they are, not just what they do. No one builds relationships unless they reveal more than job-related facts. Contrary to the old paradigm—which held that others don't have the right to know about your personal life—the new paradigm says that it's a necessity that they know." (p. 71)
Shechtman, M. R. (1995).  Working Without a Net.
"Self-disclosers explain to others who they are, not just what they do. No one builds relationships unless they reveal more than job-related facts. Contrary to the old paradigm—which held that others don't have the right to know about your personal life—the new paradigm says that it's a necessity that they know." (p. 71)
Smith, G. (2000).  Work Rage: Identify the Problems, Implement the Solutions.
"Ocassionally, I encounter and organization that really does practice what it preaches, or 'walks the talk'. But I can say with great certainty that the companies that really do a lot of talking and walking are few and far between. There is a lot of talking but very little walking out there in the big wide world of management.
The potential for rage in these controlling organizations is going to be higher, and for several reasons. When you have a mentoring, coaching, and collaborative management style, employees tend more toward higher productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness, and there is a happier workplace atmosphere. Conversely, when there is a domineering, controlling, or even bullying environment, the employees feel threatened, are less productive, feel highly stressed and are unhappy." (p. 53)

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