Who Am I? What Am I: Search for Meaning in Your Work

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Title Who Am I? What Am I: Search for Meaning in Your Work
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1988
Authors Redekop, C., & Bender U. A.
Publisher Zondervan
Keywords automation, computerization, humanness, machine, meaning, mechanistic organization, unemployment
Notes unemployment, meaning"Work is one of the most important sources of personal meaning, and, therefore, self-acceptance. Research on the unemployed underscores this conclusion emphatically. Furthermore, the same research insists that the degree of self-depreciation felt by a person out of work can only be realized by experience."
unemployment"We have been defining jobs as the work people do to earn a living. Using this definition, it is clear that jobs have not always been available to to all who need them. Unemployment and underemployment along with a general lack of adequate economic opportunity have plagued most human societies. It is within this context that the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights addresses the topic of work, maintaining that access to work is a fundamental right.

Point one of article 23 states, 'Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.'" (p. 175)

machineWithin a few short years, mechanization, automation, and computerization have changed the nature of work so completely that the machine has now become the worker. Now also--incredible irony--the machine dictates the work arrangements of the human accomplice. Instead of the human controlling the machine, as has been the case during the early years of technological development, the human is forced to adapt to and serve the rythyms of the machine." (p. 177)