Something More : Excavating your Authentic Self

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Title Something More : Excavating your Authentic Self
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1998
Authors Breathnach, S. B.
Publisher Warner Books
ISBN 0-446-52413-1
Keywords disillusionment, success
Notes disillusionment"'Disillusion only comes to the illusioned,' Dorothy Thompson reminds us in The Courage to be Happy, written in 1957. 'One cannot be disillusioned of what one never put faith in,' especially ourselves." (p. 159)
success"Authentic success is internal. Often other people aren't even aware at first that you've reached it. The moment of success is the awareness that 'I can do it' or 'I have done it.' And it's comforting to know that this can't be taken away from you by an external event. Not by someone divorcing you, not by someone firing you."