Vital Friends: the people you can't afford to live without

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Title Vital Friends: the people you can't afford to live without
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 2006
Authors Rath, T.
Publisher Gallup Press
Keywords caring, office friendships
Notes caring"Undoubtedly, there are thousands of managers in the workplace who have no business bearing the responsibility for developing other people. Most of us have had a boss like this at one point or another. They make you miserable, less productive, and even diminish your physical health. But we have also found thousands of exceptional managers who have the opposite effect, and they have something in common: These great managers care about each of their employees as a real human being, not just a means to an end." (p. 63)
office friendships"All employees deserve a manager whom they can truly call a friend, or at least a manager who cares about their general well-being. The bottom line is that we spend roughly 50% more time with our customers, coworkers, and bosses than we do with our friends, significant others, children, and other relatives combined. If you want to be happier and more engaged at work, consider developing a few strong friendships at the office, maybe even one with your boss." (p. 63)