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Tennant, D. (2007).  Do You Exist?. Computerworld.
"You can no longer expect your professional standing to progress if you dont have an easily accessible, broadly informative presence on the Web. And while that virtual existence is essential in itself, it's not enough. You have to contribute something..."
Thomas, M. (1998).  A New Attitude: Achieve Personal and Professional Success by Keeping a Positive Mental Outlook. A New Attitude.
"Research shows that people in the lower echelons of their companies are more susceptible to stress and its negative effects than those at the top. Employees on the lower rungs of the corporate ladder often have high-demand jobs and little control." (p. 99)
Tieger, P. D., & Barron-Tieger B. (1995).  Do What You Are.
"Pressure to be what you aren't can cause lifelong confusion. If you are obliged to fit into a certain group mentality that really doesn't suit you (this could be a family dynamic, a school or community setting, or a professional environment), you may end up denying your true nature and not enjoying your required role. If you spend twenty years at a job you don't enjoy, you may end up not only out of touch with your natural interests but—even worse—with a distorted view of your own competence." (p. 90)
Tivnan, E. (1995).  Moral Imagination.
"It is this imagination of what it is like to be humiliated, oppressed, or treated cruelly that can provide the bridge between us and our moral enemies. While we know when we are being treated cruelly or have been humiliated, it is not always so easy to recognize our cruelty to others, nor how such cruelty has affected their lives." (p. 257)
Toffler, A. (1983).  Previews & Premises: an interview with the author of Future Shock and The Third Wave.
"In Third Wave industries, the talk is all about employee participation in decision-making; about job enlargement and enrichment, instead of fractionalization; about flex-time instead of rigid hours; about cafeteria-style fringe benefits which give employees a choice, rather than a fait accompli; about how to encourage creativity rather than blind obedience." (p. 31)
Tolle, E. (2007).  The Art of Presence.
"I'm not allowing this world to drive me insane—because the world will do it, because the world is the externalized human mind." (Chapter 2 @1:27:30)
Toseland, R. W., & Rivas R. F. (2005).  An introduction to group work practice.
"The scapegoat, for example, receives much negative attention and criticism from the group because the member is blamed for a host of defects and problems. According to Schulman (1999), members attack the portion of a scapegoat's behavior that they least like about themselves." (p. 235)
Townsend, R. (1984).  Further up the organization.
"Good organizations are living bodies that grow new muscles to meet challenges. A chart demoralizes people. Nobody thinks of himself as below other people. And in a good company he isn't." (p. 159)
Trecker, H. B., & Trecker A. R. (1952).  How to Work with Groups.
"Problems arise in groups when the personal touch goes out. When groups become so large that they are mechanical rather than personal the human being and his needs become secondary. Under such circumstances people are likely to feel frustrated, unwanted, and unimportant. They see no way to take hold, to be a real part of the group. They strike out and fight back against a system which does violence to their deep need to be important." (p. 139)
Trompenaars, A., & Hampden-Turner C. (1998).  Riding the waves of culture : understanding cultural diversity in global business.
"In the original American concept of internal and external sources of control, the implication is that the outer-directed person is offering an excuse for failure rather than a new wisdom. In other nations it is not seen as personal weakness to acknowledge the strength of external forces or the arbitrariness of events." (p. 149)
Trump, D., & Schwartz T. (2005).  Trump: The Art of the Deal. Ballantine Books.
"Most people are surprised by the way I work. I play it very loose. I don't carry a briefcase. I try not to schedule too many meetings. I leave my door open. You can't be imaginative or entrepreneurial if you've got too much structure. I prefer to come to work each day and just see what develops."
Twerski, A. J. (2009).  Without a Job, Who Am I?: Rebuilding Your Self When You've Lost Your Job, Home, Or Life Savings.
"We remind ourselves that by acting on values such as compassion, honesty, and forgiveness, we realize our real worth—the worth that is deeper than that associated with job, career, or material success." (p. 10)
Ury, W. (1993).  Getting Past No.
"We all know people who take a job or enter a personal relationship, become frustrated with their boss or partner, and then leave without giving it a chance. Often they misinterpret the other person's behavior and do not try to work it out. A pattern of breaking off relationships means you never get anywhere because you are always starting over." (p. 36)
Vaisey, S. (2006).  Education and its Discontents: Overqualification in America, 1972-2002. Social Forces. 85(2), 835 - 864. Abstract
"In fact, in the case of hard work ideology, the overeducation effect is actually increasing in strength. That is, overqualified workers are increasingly likely to disavow the "American Dream" of success through hard work alone."
Walton, M. (1988).  The Deming Management Method.
"Fear takes a horrible toll. Fear is all around, robbing people of their pride, hurting them, robbing them of a chance to contribute to the company. It is unbelievable what happens when you unloose fear." (p. 73)
Walton, M. (1991).  Deming management at work.
"In the words of W. Edwards Deming, 'The aim of leadership should be to improve the performance of man and machine, to improve quality, to increase output, and simultaneously to bring pride of workmanship to people. Put in a negative way, the aim of leadership is not merely to find and record failures of men, but to remove the causes of failure: to help people do a better job with less effort.' " (p. 236)
Webster, B. F. (1995).  The Art of 'Ware: Sun Tzu's Classic Work Reinterpreted.
"If your developers had wanted to work long hours just for lots of money, they would have become lawyers. They do it for bragging rights—for the right to say, "Yeah, I helped create that product"—and for a chance to change the industry and maybe the world. It may be hubris, but then again, the world really has changed because of products created by technology developers over the last thirty to forty years—and the most dramatic changes are yet to come." (p. 27)
Weick, K. E. (1979).  The Social Psychology of Organizing.
"As criticisms first start to increase the person exerts more effort, concentration is already quite high, and quality improves. As the criticisms continue to increase there comes a point where the additional increments of effort are now canceled because the person can't concentrate. Beyond this point, the greater the number of criticisms, the lower the quality of performance." (p. 227)
Weinberg, G. M. (1986).  Becoming a Technical Leader: An Organic Problem-Solving Approach.
"In other words, there must be something worth doing, but it also must have that unique part that only I can contribute. That's the key to achieving the vision. Joining a mass movement may keep me going as a person, but it won't keep me going as an innovator." (p. 97)
Weiner, D. L. (2002).  Power freaks: dealing with them in the workplace or anyplace.
"The primitive brain mechanism drives us into creating hierarchies, an essential for primitive tribal organization and survival. It confers on some of us today an innate need to dominate others in situations where we might also understand rationally that cooperation would make better sense than domination." (p. 44)
Weisinger, H. (2000).  Emotional Intelligence at Work.
"What is so curious about setbacks is that they undermine motivation, yet it is precisely motivation that is needed to overcome the setback." (p. 104)

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