Working with Emotional Intelligence

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Title Working with Emotional Intelligence
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 2000
Authors Goleman, D.
Publisher Bantam
Keywords alexithymia, empathy, helplessness, politics, power
Notes empathy"There is a politics of empathy: Those with little power are typically expected to sense the feelings of those who hold power, while those in power feel less obligation to be sensitive in return. In other words, the studied lack of empathy is a way power-holders can tacitly assert their authority." (p. 144)
alexithymia"...the other extreme are those with alexithymia, the psychiatric term for people with a confused awareness of their own feelings. For such people, the outer world is clearer and more detailed than their own inner universe." (p. 57)
helplessness"The feeling of helplessness about work pressures is in itself pernicious. Among small-business owners and employees, those with a stronger sense that they control what happens to them in life are less likely to become angry, depressed, or agitated when faced with conflicts and strains on the job. But those who feel little control are more prone to getting upset or even quitting." (p. 85)