Victory Secrets of Attila the Hun

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Title Victory Secrets of Attila the Hun
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 2012
Authors Roberts, W.
Number of Pages 159
Publisher Random House LLC
Keywords power, recognition, scapegoating
Abstract This sequel to Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun goes beyond the first book's focus on individual leadership and applies Attila's wisdom and lessons to the challenges of leadership in organizations. As essential for business managers and leaders as its now classic predecessor.
Notes power"An organization's worst enemies are seldom external. Rather, the most deadly and damaging threats come from those who are so driven toward power that their political maneuvering can destroy the very group in which they seek authority." (p. 44) recognition, scapegoating"Beware of chieftains who either take or fail to give credit for their subordinates' accomplishments. Such chieftains are quick to find a scapegoat when they make even a minor mistake." (p. 29)
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