Communicating at Work

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Title Communicating at Work
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1993
Authors Alessandra, T.
Publisher Fireside
Keywords conflict, equality, positiveness, supportiveness
Notes Basics of conflict resolution include: supportiveness, positiveness, equality. supportiveness"SUPPORTIVENESS--Describe the behaviors you have difficulty with rather than evaluating them. Express your concern for and support of the other person. Let him know you want to find a solution that benefits both of you. State your position tentatively with a willingness to change your opinion if appropriate reasons are given. Be willing to support the other person's position if it makes sense to do so."
positiveness"POSITIVENESS--Try to identify areas of agreement and emphasize those. Look at the conflict as a way to better understand the entire situation and to possibly find a new and better solution. Be positive about the other person and your relationship. Express your commitment to finding a resolution that works for everyone." equality"EQUALITY--Treat the other person and his ideas and opinions as equal. Give the person the time and space to completely express his ideas. Evaluate all ideas and positions logically and without regard to ownership."
conflict"Conflicts offer many benefits if we can resolve them productively. Healthy disagreement can have a positive, generating effect. As people are forced to work through a problem to its solution, they get a chance to better understand the point of view of others. Successful resolution of small conflicts can diffuse the possibility of more serious conflicts and result in better working relationships. The process of exploring problems collaboratively can lead us to acquire more information, new perceptions, and new ideas."