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Williams, R. (1998).  Anger Kills: Seventeen Strategies for Controlling the Hostility That Can Harm Your Health.
"By allowing yourself a range of strategies—both asserting and deflecting options—you can balance your twin goals of preventing petty matters from riling you and remain focused on your legitimate rights and those of others. Sometimes you may choose to take a stand for what is right; at other times you may prefer to tune out the situation. Real injustices do exist in the world. The goal in learning to control your hostility is not to become insensitive to all injustices but rather to become more focused and selective." (p. 148)
Tavris, C. (1989).  Anger: the misunderstood emotion.
"The anger that fuels revolt does not arise, therefore, from objective conditions of deprivation or misery. As long as people regard those conditions as natural and inevitable, as God's Law or man`s way, they do not feel angry about them. So sociologists speak instead of 'relative deprivation,' the subjective comparisons that people make when they compare their actual lives to what might be possible. Alexis de Toequeville observed that 'evils which are patiently endured when they seem inevitable become intolerable when once the idea of escape from them is suggested,' and the freed slave Frederick Douglass put the same idea more passionately. 'Beat and cuff your slave,' he wrote, 'keep him hungry and spiritless, and he will follow the chain of his master like a dog, but feed and clothe him well, work him moderately, surround him with physical comfort, and dreams of freedom intrude.'" (p. 261)
Tolstoy, L. (2002).  Anna Karenina (Signet Classics).
"They were the same memories of happiness that were now lost forever, the same sense of the meaninglessness of everything that he might still hope from life, the same consciousness of his own humiliation, and all of them followed in the same sequence of of images and feelings." (p. 423)
Frank, A. (1993).  Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. 306. Abstract
"Daddy has been home a lot lately, as there is nothing for him to do at business; it must be rotten to feel so superfluous." (p. 12)
Bourne, P. D. E. J. (2001).  The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook: A Step-by-Step Program for Curing Yourself of Extreme Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Phobias.
"lt has been my repeated experience that clients experience relief from anxiety as well as phobias when they come to feel that their life has meaning, purpose, and a sense of direction. Until you discover something larger than self-gratification—something which gives your life a sense of purpose—you may be prone to feelings of boredom and a vague sense of confinement because you are not realizing all your potential. This sense of confinement can be a potent breeding ground for anxiety, phobias, and even panic attacks." (p, 40)
Davidson, J. (2003).  The Anxiety Book.
"Have compassion for yourself and others. Rational responses should not only be more truthful than core negative thoughts, but also be kinder. When you magnify your own weaknesses, your cognitions become skewed toward disaster because you don't believe in your ability to handle stress or challenge. When you magnify the weaknesses (or dark sides) of other people, your relationships are characterized by mistrust, and you'll never feel safe in the world. You don't have to expunge awareness of your own imperfections, or whitewash the fact that people can be malevolent, in order to cultivate compassion. A compassionate worldview acknowledges all our multifaceted complexity but is purposely skewed toward the positive: You look for the good in yourself as well as in others." (p. 98)
Miller, J. (2002).  The Anxious Organization: Why Smart Companies Do Dumb Things.
"In organizations where anxiety is often expressed as blame, to avoid being blamed becomes a constant preoccupation. People attempt to preempt blame by sending each other memos recapitulating who did what and when. Their attention shifts from avoiding a potential problem to avoid being blamed for it." (p. 145)
Nkomo, S. M., McAfee B. R., & Fottler M. D. (2000).  Applications in Human Resource Management: Cases, Exercises, and Skill Building.
"This article (in Business Week) identified a number of family-oriented policies and programs followed by 24 leading companies. Among the most significant of these were modifications in the company culture, executive development to enhance 'sensitivity', child care, sick care, women on the board, career development policies, family-leave policies, maternity leave with partial pay, modified work and family benefits, flexible benefits, hiring a 'pluralistic' workforce, job sharing, mentoring programs, and part-time professional and/or executive positions...
In response to employee criticism and the potential for negative publicity, the board of trustees made a decision to establish a 'Task Force on the Work / Family Interface.'" (p. 87)
Arnold, R. A. (1997).  Arnold Economics.
Interview with Gordon Tullock:
"I am a very fortunate man to be paid a high salary to pursue my hobby." (p. 560)
Webster, B. F. (1995).  The Art of 'Ware: Sun Tzu's Classic Work Reinterpreted.
"If your developers had wanted to work long hours just for lots of money, they would have become lawyers. They do it for bragging rights—for the right to say, "Yeah, I helped create that product"—and for a chance to change the industry and maybe the world. It may be hubris, but then again, the world really has changed because of products created by technology developers over the last thirty to forty years—and the most dramatic changes are yet to come." (p. 27)
Nierenberg, G. I. (1986).  The art of creative thinking.
"Probably the greatest deterrent to creative thinking is in not recognizing that...we have a problem that needs a solution. At the other extreme are the innately creative who recognize problems and enjoy the challenge and possible rewards of solving them. Most of us fall between the two extremes. We recognize the problem but are at a loss to make a creative leap that will bring a solution." (p. 159)
Pascale, R. T., & Athos A. G. (1982).  The Art of Japanese Management: Applications for American Executives.
"The evidence would suggest that for most of us being pushed too hard and crowded into a corner is counterproductive. Great honesty is seldom helpful without empathetic compassion, skillfully expressed in private, by someone assumed to care about the other person's well-being." (p. 158)
Hanh, T. N. (2008).  The Art of Power.
"If we water the seed of anger or hatred, it will make the living room of our mind a hell for ourselves and our loved ones." (p. 18)
Tolle, E. (2007).  The Art of Presence.
"I'm not allowing this world to drive me insane—because the world will do it, because the world is the externalized human mind." (Chapter 2 @1:27:30)

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