Why Smart People Do Dumb Things: Lessons from the New Science of Behavioral Economics

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Title Why Smart People Do Dumb Things: Lessons from the New Science of Behavioral Economics
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1995
Authors Feinberg, M.
Publisher Fireside
Keywords craft, group narcissism, hubris, maturity
Notes craft, maturity"Mature people develop--and enjoy--what Thorstein Veblen called 'the instinct of workmanship'. Oliver Wendell Holmes talked about pride in one's work: 'To hammer out as compact and as solid a piece of work as one can, to try to make it first rate.'--this is the goal of all mature people." (p.228)
group narcissism"Levinson observes that many large companies, though they now hire and promote female executives, retain a significantly male orientation and patriarchal culture. He says, 'The combination of collective, masculine, competitive striving, attachment to aggressive self-images and established corporate structures, and efforts to avoid failure and indictment reinforce organizational narcissism.'" (p. 99)

"Narcissism is a nasty word. We would all instinctively reject the notion that we are narcissists. But it comes with the territory. In a talk he gave to a group of executives the psychologist Aaron Stern said that 'success, by definition, breeds narcissism.' Moreover the society in which we flourish celebrates narcissism." (p. 252)

URL http://books.google.com/books?id=41FTBtK8UWMC