Firing back: power strategies for cutting the best deal when you're about to lose your job

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Title Firing back: power strategies for cutting the best deal when you're about to lose your job
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1997
Authors Galos, J. - B., & McIntosh S.
Publisher Wiley
Keywords autonomy, job loss, relationships
Notes job loss, relationships" may already be convinced that your co-workers, likable and helpful souls as they may have been during good times, are not really part of your protective, extended family. When the bad times came, many of them disappointed you. Either they weren't there for you or they weren't able to solve your problems. If they felt threatened themselves, they were running for cover. Even if they thought they were safe, they were probably showing you a side of themselves you hadn't seen before: a cold, distant, suspicious, or cruel side. But what made you think you were all part of a great big family?" (p. 207)
autonomy"The employer-employee relationship has always been a kind of devil's bargain in which the employer offers financial and social comfort in return for your soul. In this case, your soul consists of a good amount of your autonomy and personal responsibility." (p. 210)