Automation, education, and human values

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Title Automation, education, and human values
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1966
Authors Brickman, W., & Lehrer S.
Publisher Apollo Editions
Keywords automation, machine
Notes automation"A fourth reason [we regard widespread automation with suspicion] lies in our inability to think of a responsible role in society which is not evaluated as a job, paid for with money, which individuals seek freely, from which they can be fired, and at which they must work or else, if not starve, they will live in humiliation and deprivation. We can look forward to a day in which the privilege of working will be open to all but under no threat of starvation." (p. 69) machineWe can look forward to a day when all the dull, unrewarding, routine technical tasks can be done by machines, and the human tasks--caring for children, caring for plants and trees and animals, caring for the sick and the aged, the traveller and the stranger--can be done by human beings. We can look forward to a day when we never will ask a human being to do something that a machine can better, but will reserve for human beings our requests and demands for those things which machines cannot do." (p. 69)