7 Secrets for Successful Living: Tapping the Wisdom of Ralph Waldo Emerson to Achieve Love, Happiness, and Self-Reliance

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Title 7 Secrets for Successful Living: Tapping the Wisdom of Ralph Waldo Emerson to Achieve Love, Happiness, and Self-Reliance
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1995
Authors Parady, M.
Publisher Kensington Books
Keywords false self, submissiveness
Notes false self"Conforming to a way of life you do not believe in diminishes your power, for you are working against yourself. Although you may accomplish much in the way of outward success, in your core fear and weakness reign. Why do you think many people feel disillusioned when they finally achieve success? Those who do usually say 'something is missing,' and that something is usually their real selves." (p. 22) submissiveness"Emerson wrote about the dangers of looking to others for approval and validation. Yet in our day, as in his, we are programmed to look to others for our sense of self-worth and dignity. This tendency, rooted deep within us, leads people away from themselves and toward lives and behaviors foreign to their individual needs and proclivities, causing low self-esteem and eventually self-hatred. And when we hate ourselves, we allow people to inflict all kinds of abuse upon us, because we unconsciously feel we deserve it." (p. 16)
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=b6MQPQAACAAJ
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