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Chomsky, N., & Barsamian D. (1994).  Keeping the Rabble in Line: Interviews with David Barsamian.
"Any form of concentrated power, whatever it is, is not going to want to be subjected to popular democratic control or, for that matter, to market discipline. Powerful sectors, including corporate wealth, are naturally opposed to functioning democracy, just as they're opposed to functioning markets, for themselves, at least. It's just natural. They do not want external constraints on their capacity to make decisions and act freely. It entails that the elites will be extremely undemocratic." (p. 242)
Charlesworth, E. A., & Nathan R. G. (1985).  Stress Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Wellness.
"Are You Sitting on a Two-Legged Stool?
Most of us are striving for a happy and meaningful life. Balance is needed to achieve and maintain such a life. Balance means that you avoid building your life around one person or one thing, no matter how wonderful it may seem. If you do, no matter who or what it is, losing it could be devastating." (p. 186)
Chang, R. Y. (1994).  Success through teamwork: a practical guide to interpersonal team dynamics.
"Not all team members are equally motivated to participate and be productive. In addition to motivating productive members, you must motivate average or nonparticipating members to increase their commitment to the team.
The following strategies can help you turn nonparticipating team members into active participants:
* Seek their advice
* Make them teachers
* Involve them in presentations
* Delegate 'star projects' " (p. 85)
Chambers, H. E. (1998).  The Bad Attitude Survival Guide: Essential Tools For Managers.
"A consistent, knee-jerk negative response to bad news or negative circumstances is a common occurrence and creates an unhealthy organizational culture. Many organizations are well known for shooting the messenger. Some managers have such a high negative emotional response to problems or bad news, their employees learn to avoid their manager in times of trouble or crisis. This is a deadly organizational circumstance because information that frequently could serve to eliminate a problem or stop a small crisis from escalation isn't shared up the ladder, as lower-level employees refuse to expose themselves to the inevitable wrath. The price the organization pays for allowing this negative culture is incalculable." (p. 79)
Carter-Scott, C. (1991).  The Corporate Negaholic: How to Deal Successfully With Negative Colleagues, Managers and Corporations.
"The alternative action was to look at the inequities and the resentments and find solutions which would create a win-win outcome. Unless everyone wins, no one really wins." (p. 91)
Carter, R. W., & Golant S. K. (1999).  Helping Someone with Mental Illness.
"Work fulfills many needs. It creates structure and meaning in our lives, gives us a sense of accomplishment, provides income and security, and also affords us the chance to socialize with friends and colleagues and to feel as if we belong to a community." (p. 102)
Carter, J. (1989).  Nasty People: How to Stop Being Hurt by Them Without Becoming One of Them.
"A punch in the nose is obvious, and it heals. However, an attack on self-esteem—at the right moment and in the right way—can last a lifetime." (p. 9)
Carson, S. (2010).  Can Being Creative Improve Your Health?.
"Highly creative individuals have long noted the salutary effects of creative activity on both physical and mental health. Many types of creative work can relieve stress and enhance positive mood, two major factors in promoting good health."
Carse, J. P. (1987).  Finite and Infinite Games : A Vision of Life as Play and Possibility.
"'Machine' is used here as inclusive of technology and not as an example of it—as a way of drawing attention to the mechanical rationality of technology. We might be surprised by the technological devices that spring from the imagination of gifted inventors and engineers, but there is nothing surprising in the technology itself. The physicist's bomb is as thoroughly mechanical as the Neanderthal's lever—each the exercise of calculable cause-and-effect sequences." (p. 80)
Carse, J. P. (1995).  Breakfast at the Victory : The Mysticism of Ordinary Experience.
"When you need a teacher, the Hindus say, a teacher will appear. But we can't know in advance what we need to learn, else we would not need to learn it. Therefore, we won't know who our teachers are until we have been taught. As a result, every teaching is a surprise." (p. 40)
Carr, A. Z. (1969).  Business as a Game.
"Men down the line often tend to judge the boss with unrealistic severity—to expect perfection from him, complete rationality, absolute efficiency. Yet a little observation tells us that business is not carried out in a rational way....Wastefulness, shortsighted policies, impulsive moves, excessive use of trial and error methods, strange personal quirks in high places—all this is normal in business." (p. 71)
Caroselli, M. (2002).  Leadership Skills For Managers.
"W. Edwards Deming, one of the founding fathers of the quality movement, asserted that employees are rightfully entitled to the 'pride of workmanship'. Essential to that pride are job security, expectations, clear communications, and the proper tools." (p. 7)
Carnegie, D. (1981).  How to Win Friends and Influence People.
"If some people are so hungry for a feeling of importance that they actually go insane to get it, imagine what miracle you and I can achieve by giving people honest appreciation this side of insanity." (p. 58)
Carlson, R. (1998).  Don't Sweat the Small Stuff at Work.
"Sometimes the criticism we receive is valuable, even helpful. Other times, it's utter nonsense. Either way, learning to see criticism as 'small stuff' is incredibly useful in our efforts to live a life of reduced stress." (p. 270)
Carlson, R. (2005).  Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...And It's All Small Stuff: Simple Things To Keep The Little Things From Taking Over Your Life.
"At times you are going to use bad judgement, say something wrong, offend someone, criticize unnecessarily, be too demanding, or act selfishly. The question isn't whether you will make these mistakes—we all do. The question is, Can you admit to them?" (p. 187)
Carlson, R., & Bailey J. V. (1997).  Slowing down to the speed of life : how to create a more peaceful, simpler life from the inside out.
"See forgiveness as a process, and know that it will get easier and easier each time the memory comes to mind. If you see the value of forgiveness and are willing to forgive, each time the memory comes to mind while you are in a state of healthy psychological functioning, the experience will be a little less painful." (p. 135)
Capozzi, J. M. (1994).  Why Climb the Corporate Ladder when You Can Take the Elevator? : 500 Secrets for Success in Business.
"Many corporations encourage independent thinking right up until the day they fire you for it." (p. 382)
Cantor, D., & Thompson A. (2001).  What Do You Want to Do When You Grow Up?: Starting the Next Chapter of Your Life.
"Job burnout, write Maslach and Goldberg, with its feelings of frustration, ineffectiveness, or failure, is 'a particularly tragic endpoint for professionals who entered the job with positive expectations [and] enthusiasm.'" (p. 56)

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