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Seligman, M. E. P. (1992).  Learned Optimism.
"It's a disturbing idea, that depressed people see reality correctly while nondepressed people distort reality in a self-serving way. As a therapist I was trained to believe that it was my job to help depressed patients both to feel happier and to see the world more clearly. I was supposed to be the agent of happiness and of truth. But maybe truth and happiness antagonize each other. Perhaps what we have considered good therapy for a depressed patient merely nurtures benign illusions, making the patient think his world is better than it actually is." (p. 108)
Lynch, P., & Rothchild J. (1996).  Learn to Earn: A Beginner's Guide to the Basics of Investing and Business.
"Chewing gum and candy companies, such as Wrigley's, can thrive on recessions, because as Mr. Wrigley himself once said: 'The sadder they are, the more the people chew.'" (p. 84)
Caroselli, M. (2002).  Leadership Skills For Managers.
"W. Edwards Deming, one of the founding fathers of the quality movement, asserted that employees are rightfully entitled to the 'pride of workmanship'. Essential to that pride are job security, expectations, clear communications, and the proper tools." (p. 7)
Pree, M. D. (1993).  Leadership jazz.
"Vulnerability is the opposite of self-expression. Vulnerable leaders trust in the abilities of other people; vulnerable leaders allow the people who follow them to do their best. An invulnerable leader can be only as good as her own performance—what a terrifying thought! One caveat: Remember that there is no such thing as safe vulnerability." (p. 220)
Pree, M. D., & O'Toole J. (1990).  Leadership Is an Art.
"Leadership is not an easy subject to explain. A friend of mine characterizes leaders simply like this: 'Leaders don't inflict pain; they bear pain.'" (p. 11)
Kouzes, J. M., & Posner B. Z. (1987).  The Leadership Challenge.
"Still another way to build trust is by being open about your own actions and intentions. You don't find it easy to trust someone who is secretive or who 'plays the cards close to the vest.' Scrupulously avoiding 'secret' meetings and closed-door sessions is essential, because such secrecy fuels images of organizational politics and chicanery." (p. 152)
Wheatley, M. J. (1994).  Leadership and the New Science: Learning About Organization from an Orderly Universe.
"For many years, the prevailing maxim of management stated: 'Management is getting work done through others.' The important thing was the work; the 'others' were nuisances that needed to be managed into conformity and predictability. Managers have recently been urged to notice that they have people working for them. They have been advised that work gets done by humans like themselves, each with strong desires for recognition and connectedness. The more they (we) feel part of the organization, the more work gets done." (p. 144)
Bennis, W. G., & Nanus B. (2003).  Leaders: strategies for taking charge.
"We must learn to perceive power for what it really is. Basically, it's the reciprocal of leadership." (p. 16)
Peterson, D. B., & Hicks M. D. J. (1996).  Leader as coach: strategies for coaching and developing others.
"Unlike soft clay that can be pressed into infinite shapes, people evolve from a stable core. They can change in degree and bend in new directions, but they are unlikely to change in dramatic ways, at least not quickly. Respect their judgement about their own limits. Carefully evaluate how much change and what kind of change is fair to expect, especially if you are aware of changes or problems in other parts of their life or if they begin to appear distressed and confused." (p. 48)
Gratzon, F. (2003).  The Lazy Way to Success. 222.
"Any individual or business that wants great success must take the concept of play seriously. For that matter, play should be the only thing taken seriously. Play in the workplace is not frivolous, as the hard work advocates would have you believe. Quite the contrary, play has enormous practical value...Play allows the mind to flow without restrictions—to explore, to experiment, to question, to take risks, to be adventurous, to create to innovate, and to accomplish—without fear of rejection or disapproval. Thus a business that regards fun as "unprofessional" or "improper" or "trivial" or "out of place" stifles the creative and progressive process. That’s like running a highly competitive race with one foot stuck in a bucket."
Plato, & Tarrant H. (1993).  The Last Days of Socrates: Euthyphro/The Apology/Crito/Phaedo.
"Present circumstances are quite enough to show that the capacity of ordinary people for doing harm is not confined to petty annoyances, but has hardly any limits once you get a bad name with them." (p. 78)

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