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Whyte, D. (1996).  The Heart Aroused : Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America.
"Corporations, for their part, have been engaged in a willful battle against the very grain of existence. Like the good Dutch boy with his finger in the dike, they have spent enormous amounts of energy putting in place systems that attempt to hold back the shifting, oceanic qualities of existence. The complexity of the world could be accounted for, they fervently hoped, by a simple increase in the thickness of the company manual." (p. 10)
White, W. L. (1997).  Incestuous Workplace: Stress and Distress in the Organizational Family.
"'The last act of a dying organization is a thicker rule book.' The need for rules to control staff members marks a dramatic change in mutual respect, loyalty, and the esprit de corps that characterized earlier stages of organizational life." (p. 72)
Pink, D. H. (2005).  Revenge of the Right Brain.
"Any job that can be reduced to a set of rules is at risk. If a $500-a-month accountant in India doesn't swipe your accounting job, TurboTax will. Now that computers can emulate left-hemisphere skills, we'll have to rely ever more on our right hemispheres."
Mackay, H. B. (1998).  Pushing the Envelope: All the Way to the Top.
"More victims of technological change: As the old rules have vanished so have the people who have been enforcing them. The middle managers, the guardians of corporate culture, who checked out your wing tips and made sure you were at your desk on time, aren't needed anymore. The rules they enforced don't contribute to the bottom line. And corporate cultures don't mean much in an environment where the employee or even the corporation itself may disappear tomorrow." (p. 295)
Mackay, H. B. (2004).  We Got Fired!: . . . And It's the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Us.
"If I have one piece of advice to young people, it's to break rules. Let's first assume you are delivering way more than what is expected of you. You have to do much more than the expected to compete today, because there are plenty of people out there happy to do the minimum. If you are already overdelivering, and breaking a rule will help you deliver more, then go ahead. Ask yourself a question: Will breaking a rule really help everyone out, not just myself? Is the answer yes? Then go ahead and break the rule. I'm not talking about doing anything criminal or unethical. I mean not following some stupid policy or convention. You'll have more fun and everyone will learn more. Most of all, you'll deliver more." (p. 264)
Gerstner, L. (2004).  Who Says Elephants Can't Dance?: Leading a Great Enterprise Through Dramatic Change.
"This codification, this rigor mortis that sets in around values and behaviors, is a problem unique to—and often devastating for—successful enterprises." (p, 185)
Fukuyama, F. (1995).  Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity.
"Workers whose work rules were not rigidly defined but were instead allowed to make their own decisions about the production process turned out to be both more productive and better satisfied with their jobs. Workers under these conditions showed considerable interest in helping one another and created their own system of leaders and mutual support if left to themselves." (p. 230)
Field, T. (1996).  Bully in Sight: How to Predict, Resist, Challenge and Combat Workplace Bullying.
"Perhaps I'm naive, but I've always believed that quality and care came from the heart, not from a manual. Quality is a culture, not a management technique. If one needs an instruction guide to tell one how to incorporate quality, provide service and value people, then perhaps that person should question their fitness to hold managerial responsibility in the first place. Management by manual is neither management nor delegation—it's abdication." (p. 178)
Buckley, W. (1967).  Sociology and modern systems theory..
"As in any organization, rules were selectively evoked, broken, or ignored to suit the defined needs of personnel. Higher administrative levels, especially, avoided periodic attempts to have the rules codified and formalized, for fear of restricting the innovation and improvisation believed necessary to the care of patients. Also, the multiplicity of professional ideologies, theories, and purposes would never tolerate such a rigidification." (p. 150)
Bowker, G. C., & Star S. L. (2000).  Sorting Things Out: Classification and Its Consequences.
"Information technology operates through a series of displacements, from action to representation, from the politics of conflict to the invisible politics of forms and bureaucracy. Decades ago, Max Weber wrote of the iron cage of bureaucracy. Modern humans, he posited, are constrained at every juncture from true freedom of action by a set of rules of our own making. Some of these rules are formal, most are not. Information infrastructure adds another level of depth to the iron cage. In its layers, and in its complex interdependencies, it is a gossamer web with iron at its core." (p. 320)

See also: behavior, bureaucracy, control

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SKOS Concept Scheme

SKOS concepts and relations

Concept Scheme: business culture/management vocabulary

URI: business culture/management vocabulary


  • Concept: rules
    • preferred: rules
    • alternate: codification
    • alternate: employee handbook
    • alternate: employee manual
    • alternate: policies
    • alternate: imperatives
    • definition: prescribed guide for conduct or action
    • related: behavior
    • related: bureaucracy
    • broader: control
    • closeMatch:
    • keyword-99
    • linked content:
      • sense: prescript
      • sense: rule
      • rule
      • in scheme:
      • gloss: prescribed guide for conduct or action
      • hyponym of:
      • synset id: 106652242
  • W3C SKOS spec
    RDF source

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