Creative Organization Theory

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Title Creative Organization Theory
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1989
Authors Morgan, G.
Keywords addictive organization, bureaucracy, creativity, machine, mechanistic organization, neo-Taylorism, rules
Notes bureaucracy, mechanistic organization"As we all know, bureaucracies are supposed to operate 'by the rules.' They are places where individual initiative, enterprise, and creativity are supposed to take second place--if they are permitted at all!--to the policies and procedures that have been defined or authorized by those in charge of the organization as a whole. Weber observed that the bureaucratic approach to organization mechanized the process of administration, exactly as machines had routinized production in industry. And his writings make frequent reference to how this process of mechanization squeezes out the human dimension." (p. 49) addictive organization"The promise of the good life keeps us actively focused on the future in the belief that even if things are not so good now, they will get better. The future orientation of the promise in the organization prevents us from looking at the present, functioning in the system, and seeing the system for exactly what it is: addictive. People often feel mired in organizations. Rather than acknowledging their feelings, they find it easier to look forward to the weekend, a vacation, or retirement. By continuing to present us with the promise, the organization remains central in our lives, in control of our present, 'hooking' us into an addictive relationship with the organization, the promiser." (p. 242) neo-Taylorism"In my view the computer is the Trojan Horse with which Taylorism is going to be introduced into intellectual work. When a human being interacts with a machine, the interaction is between two dialectical opposites. The human is slow, inconsistent, unreliable but highly creative, whereas the machine is a fast, reliable but totally non-creative." (p. 62)
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