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Galos, J. - B., & McIntosh S. (1997).  Firing back: power strategies for cutting the best deal when you're about to lose your job.
" may already be convinced that your co-workers, likable and helpful souls as they may have been during good times, are not really part of your protective, extended family. When the bad times came, many of them disappointed you. Either they weren't there for you or they weren't able to solve your problems. If they felt threatened themselves, they were running for cover. Even if they thought they were safe, they were probably showing you a side of themselves you hadn't seen before: a cold, distant, suspicious, or cruel side. But what made you think you were all part of a great big family?" (p. 207)
Carter, R. W., & Golant S. K. (1999).  Helping Someone with Mental Illness.
"Work fulfills many needs. It creates structure and meaning in our lives, gives us a sense of accomplishment, provides income and security, and also affords us the chance to socialize with friends and colleagues and to feel as if we belong to a community." (p. 102)
Marrone, J., & Golowka E. (1999).  If work makes people with mental illness sick, what do unemployment, poverty, and social isolation cause?. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. 23(2),  Abstract
"In fact, the change from the role of patient or client to a new role as worker in society is fragile at best. The journey to employment requires a more sensitive approach from all involved individuals (the worker, the professionals, family, and friends) to the extent that everyone can successfully leverage the potential and ability of the worker with an appreciation of the limitations that are part of the illness."
Godin, S. (2003).  In Praise of the Purple Cow.
"Tom Peters took the first whack with The Pursuit of Wow,1 a visionary book that described why the only products with a future are those created by passionate people." (p. 5)
  • 1. Citekey Peters2004 not found
Gelb, M. J., & Miller-Caldicott S. (2008).  Innovate Like Edison: The Five-Step System for Breakthrough Business Success.
"The most innovative contemporary workplaces welcome humor and play and the most bureaucratic ones invariably take themselves too seriously. Overseriousness is a warning sign of mediocrity and bureaucratic thinking." (p. 124)
Gratzon, F. (2003).  The Lazy Way to Success. 222.
"Any individual or business that wants great success must take the concept of play seriously. For that matter, play should be the only thing taken seriously. Play in the workplace is not frivolous, as the hard work advocates would have you believe. Quite the contrary, play has enormous practical value...Play allows the mind to flow without restrictions—to explore, to experiment, to question, to take risks, to be adventurous, to create to innovate, and to accomplish—without fear of rejection or disapproval. Thus a business that regards fun as "unprofessional" or "improper" or "trivial" or "out of place" stifles the creative and progressive process. That’s like running a highly competitive race with one foot stuck in a bucket."

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