Never Wrestle with a Pig: and ninety other ideas to build your business and career

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Title Never Wrestle with a Pig: and ninety other ideas to build your business and career
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 2001
Authors McCormack, M. H.
Publisher Penguin Books
Keywords autonomy, ideas, rivalry, ROWE
Notes ideas"I've always taken some comfort in the belief that the stronger an idea is, the harder it is to steal.

That's because the best ideas, by definition, are so original and unique that they cannot survive without their creator. He or she is the only one who understands the concept fully, who can execute it up to its full potential, and who has a personal stake in keeping the concept going despite all the obstacles." (p. 92)

ROWE"Some people measure happiness and success by how much they can control their own destiny. They will sacrifice money and status for the sense that they have autonomy at work, that no one is looking over their shoulder, questioning their whereabouts and judging their every move. As manager, I've found this is the easiest yardstick to accommodate. As long as the employee performs as expected, I leave him or her alone."
rivalry"The truth is, your enemies at work (unless they are unrepentant sociopaths) don't want to destroy you. They just don't want you to get so far ahead that you destroy them."