The Metamorphosis, in the Penal Colony, and Other Stories

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Title The Metamorphosis, in the Penal Colony, and Other Stories
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1995
Authors Kafka, F., Muir E., & Muir W.
Publisher Schocken Books
Keywords accommodation, domination
Notes domination"If I had first called the man before me and interrogated him, things would have got into a confused tangle. He would have told lies, and had I exposed these lies he would have backed them up with more lies, and so on and so forth. As it is, I've got him and I won't let him go.--Is that quite clear now?" (The Penal Colony, p. 199)
accommodation"Yet the management overlooked this, because he was an extraordinary and unique artist. And of course they recognized that this mode of life was no mere prank, and that only in this way could he really keep himself in constant practice and his art at the pitch of its perfection." (The Hunger Artist, p. 231)