Is It Too Late to Run Away and Join the Circus?: Finding the Life You Really Want
Submitted by WorkCreatively on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 07:07
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Title | Is It Too Late to Run Away and Join the Circus?: Finding the Life You Really Want |
Publication Type | Book |
Pub Year | 1998 |
Authors | Smye, M. D. |
Publisher | Macmillan General Reference |
Keywords | false self, ROWE |
Notes | false self"'I get myself up in the morning. I shave my face. I dress in my clothes. I go to my office. I do my work. I come back to my house. But I feel like I'm only doing an imitation of myself, and it's not a terrific impersonation.'" ROWE"'And everything was carved in stone: situation meetings at 8:00 on Thursdays, monthly reports on the last Tuesday of the month. Don't color outside of the lines. It was a system, and it probably used to mean something. My problem was that I found I didn't want to work that way. I didn't mind the actual work, but I minded doing it that way.'" (p. 104) |
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