Is It Too Late to Run Away and Join the Circus?: Finding the Life You Really Want

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Title Is It Too Late to Run Away and Join the Circus?: Finding the Life You Really Want
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1998
Authors Smye, M. D.
Publisher Macmillan General Reference
Keywords false self, ROWE
Notes false self"'I get myself up in the morning. I shave my face. I dress in my clothes. I go to my office. I do my work. I come back to my house. But I feel like I'm only doing an imitation of myself, and it's not a terrific impersonation.'" ROWE"'And everything was carved in stone: situation meetings at 8:00 on Thursdays, monthly reports on the last Tuesday of the month. Don't color outside of the lines. It was a system, and it probably used to mean something. My problem was that I found I didn't want to work that way. I didn't mind the actual work, but I minded doing it that way.'" (p. 104)
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