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Handy, C. (1998).  The Age of Unreason.
"Organizations are not by nature forgiving places. Mistakes are magnified by myth and engraved in reports and appraisals, to be neither forgotten nor forgiven. Organizational halos are for sinners as well as saints and last for a long time. The new manager must be a different manager. He, and increasingly she, must use what, in psychological jargon, is called reinforcement theory, applauding success and forgiving failure; he or she must use mistakes as opportunities for learning, something only possible if the mistake is truly forgiven because otherwise the lesson is heard as a reprimand, not an offer of help...The new manager has to be a teacher, counselor, and friend, as much as or more than he or she is commander, inspector, and judge." (p. 131)
Hochheiser, R. M. (1998).  Its a Job Not a Jail: How to Break Your Shackles When You Cant Afford to Quit.
"What hurt me most was believing that my problem was caused by rotten bosses instead of by a stubborn me. Had I not been so bullheaded, I might have realized that although I would have preferred bosses that left me alone, what I really thirsted for was respect, fulfillment, and the opportunity to do work of which I could be proud." (p. 28)
Trompenaars, A., & Hampden-Turner C. (1998).  Riding the waves of culture : understanding cultural diversity in global business.
"In the original American concept of internal and external sources of control, the implication is that the outer-directed person is offering an excuse for failure rather than a new wisdom. In other nations it is not seen as personal weakness to acknowledge the strength of external forces or the arbitrariness of events." (p. 149)
Wyatt, J., & Hare C. (1997).  Work Abuse: How to Recognize and Survive It.
"There are five distinctions that will assist you to see the depth with which work abuse affects people...
1. The Abuse Itself...
2. The Inability to Protest the Abuse...
3. Being Blamed and Feeling Guilty for Reacting against Work Abuse...
4. Having to Deny the Ways that Abuse Affects You...
5. Feeling Guilty for Visible Symptoms that Develop..."
Peterson, D. B., & Hicks M. D. J. (1996).  Leader as coach: strategies for coaching and developing others.
"Unlike soft clay that can be pressed into infinite shapes, people evolve from a stable core. They can change in degree and bend in new directions, but they are unlikely to change in dramatic ways, at least not quickly. Respect their judgement about their own limits. Carefully evaluate how much change and what kind of change is fair to expect, especially if you are aware of changes or problems in other parts of their life or if they begin to appear distressed and confused." (p. 48)
Hornstein, H. A. (1996).  Brutal Bosses and Their Prey.
"Bosses can make or break your day, your month, your year, your career. They have the power to ease or intensify adverse reactions to normal organizational stress. Empirical evidence broadcasts a consistent message: People reporting to more considerate bosses are less likely to suffer the ravages of burnout and more likely to experience work satisfaction than those reporting to less considerate bosses. In fact, as an innoculation against burnout, respect from a boss offers more protection than salary. Conversely, there is solid evidence that working for unsupportive bosses is associated with higher levels of anxiety, depression, and even heart disease." (p. 69)

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