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Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990).  FLOW: the Psychology of Optimal Experience.
"Each of us has a picture, however vague, of what we would like to accomplish before we die. How close we get to attaining this goal becomes the measure of the quality of our lives. If it remains beyond reach, we grow resentful or resigned; if it is at least in part achieved, we experience a new sense of happiness and satisfaction." (p. 9)
Buckingham, M., & Coffman C. (1999).  First, break all the rules: what the world's greatest managers do differently.
"As we shall discuss...the best managers are adept at spotting a glimpse of talent in someone and then repositioning him so he can play to that talent more effectively." (p. 83)
Covey, S. R., Merrill R. A., & Merrill R. R. (1994).  First Things First.
"Arnold Toynbee, the great historian, said that all of history can be written in a simple little formula—challenge, response. The challenge is created by the environment, and then the individual, the institution, the society comes up with a response. Then there's another challenge, another response. The formula is constantly being repeated.
The problem is that these responses become codified. They get set in cement. They become a part of the very way we think and the way we perform. They may be good procedures, good practices. But when we're faced with a new challenge the old practices no longer apply. They become obsolete. We're out in the wilderness trying to navigate with a road map." (p. 53)
Carse, J. P. (1987).  Finite and Infinite Games : A Vision of Life as Play and Possibility.
"'Machine' is used here as inclusive of technology and not as an example of it—as a way of drawing attention to the mechanical rationality of technology. We might be surprised by the technological devices that spring from the imagination of gifted inventors and engineers, but there is nothing surprising in the technology itself. The physicist's bomb is as thoroughly mechanical as the Neanderthal's lever—each the exercise of calculable cause-and-effect sequences." (p. 80)
Carlson, R. (2005).  Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...And It's All Small Stuff: Simple Things To Keep The Little Things From Taking Over Your Life.
"At times you are going to use bad judgement, say something wrong, offend someone, criticize unnecessarily, be too demanding, or act selfishly. The question isn't whether you will make these mistakes—we all do. The question is, Can you admit to them?" (p. 187)
Carlson, R. (1998).  Don't Sweat the Small Stuff at Work.
"Sometimes the criticism we receive is valuable, even helpful. Other times, it's utter nonsense. Either way, learning to see criticism as 'small stuff' is incredibly useful in our efforts to live a life of reduced stress." (p. 270)
Carter-Scott, C. (1991).  The Corporate Negaholic: How to Deal Successfully With Negative Colleagues, Managers and Corporations.
"The alternative action was to look at the inequities and the resentments and find solutions which would create a win-win outcome. Unless everyone wins, no one really wins." (p. 91)
Carson, S. (2010).  Can Being Creative Improve Your Health?.
"Highly creative individuals have long noted the salutary effects of creative activity on both physical and mental health. Many types of creative work can relieve stress and enhance positive mood, two major factors in promoting good health."
Carr, A. Z. (1969).  Business as a Game.
"Men down the line often tend to judge the boss with unrealistic severity—to expect perfection from him, complete rationality, absolute efficiency. Yet a little observation tells us that business is not carried out in a rational way....Wastefulness, shortsighted policies, impulsive moves, excessive use of trial and error methods, strange personal quirks in high places—all this is normal in business." (p. 71)
Collins, J., & Porras J. I. (1994).  Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies.
"When we began our research project, we speculated that our evidence would show the visionary companies to be great places to work (or at least better places to work than the comparison companies). However, we didn't find this to be the case—at least not for everyone." (p. 121)

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