Nothing personal, just business: a guided journey into organizational darkness

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Title Nothing personal, just business: a guided journey into organizational darkness
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 2001
Authors Stein, H. F.
Publisher Quorum Books
Keywords activism, psychic prison, scapegoating
Notes activism"Witnessing, bearing witness, and writing for others to see and hear--these are the beginning of hope for genuine change. If I cannot alter what I see, I can at least attest to the fact that it happened and is still happening." (p. xvi) psychic prison"Workplace organizations--no less than ethnic, national, or multinational organizations of which they are a part--can become ruled by the prohibition of creative making of meaning and its substitution by enforced meanings surrounded by walls of enforced silence." (p. 44) scapegoating"Organizational (cultural) scapegoating is one manifestation of embodiment and disembodiment, which are in turn about the languages and processes of inclusion, exclusion, and expulsion (De Vos 1980) and their projective/introjective equivalents." (p. 39)
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