Innovation at the Speed of Laughter: 8 Secrets to World Class Idea Generation

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Title Innovation at the Speed of Laughter: 8 Secrets to World Class Idea Generation
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 2005
Authors Sweeney, J.
Publisher Aerialist Press
Keywords ideas, individuality, innovation, risk
Notes innovation, individuality"Unfortunately some individuals who are full of wonderful and innovative ideas may be viewed as sullen, non-participating appendages, disconnected or, worse yet, lazy. Perhaps the real truth is that they are being asked to create ideas (already an emotional risk) in a way that is not suited for their style or comfort with focus. A drastic example of this sort of misclassification is Albert Einstein, who was labelled by many as lazy and arrogant by traditional academic standards of the time because he preferred a process of discovery and innovation that was isolated and introspective."