Defying the Crowd: cultivating creativity in a culture of conformity

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Title Defying the Crowd: cultivating creativity in a culture of conformity
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 2002
Authors Sternberg, R. J., & Lubart T. I.
Publisher Simon & Schuster
Keywords creativity, envy, maturity, risk
Notes creativity"Creative people are those who consciously and purposefully decide to follow their own path. They do it because they want to, not because someone makes them." (p. 237)
envy"When you have a creative new idea or program, don't expect people to come running to you. If they do, beware of the poison darts!" (p. 91)
maturity, risk"In a nutshell, when you are just starting out in your career, you have nowhere to go but up, whereas when you have advanced pretty far in your career, you may find yourself with nowhere to go but down. The result, if you are an older person, is that you may shy away from risks. At best you maintain your current standing, but at worst you lose it all." (p. 51)