Additions to Business Collection

As Carol Bly writes in the introduction to her book Changing the Bully Who Rules the World: "It is based on literature because narrative is the best carrier of psychologically complex truths." 1 And as David Whyte writes in Crossing the Unknown Sea: "For real conversation we need a real language. To my mind that is the language not enshrined in business books or manuals but in our great literary traditions. Keats or Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson or Mary Oliver often say more in one line about the invisible structures that make up the average workday than a whole shelf of contemporary business books." 2
I've addeed Literature, which will augment the business collection. Actually, the literature collection will hopefully at some point become the core collection, and deservedly so. I'd like to give credit to my friend Ray, who is offered the role of WorkCreatively literary consultant, for originally suggesting this.