21 Dog Years : Doing Time @ Amazon.com
Submitted by WorkCreatively on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 07:04
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Title | 21 Dog Years : Doing Time @ Amazon.com |
Publication Type | Book |
Pub Year | 2002 |
Authors | Daisey, M. |
Publisher | Free Press |
Keywords | hierarchy |
Notes |
hierarchy"When you work in an office everything becomes an abstraction. The higher you travel up the chain, the less actual work is being done, as everyone becomes responsible for overseeing those below them, who are supervising those below them, ad nauseam. In the Vedic tradtion Hindus believe that the world's firmament rests on four elephants, who in turn stand on the back of a turtle. The question always comes: 'What's holding up the turtle?' And the answer is: 'It's turtles all the way down.' Likewise in corporations--it is all turtles, straight to the bottom, and after a while it becomes impossible to feel what is happening at an experiential level. Only lunch meetings persist. Postmodern capitalism." (p. 167) See also the second chapter titled "Turtles all the way down" in Kantrow. 1
URL | http://books.google.com/books?id=4pqCrMzKZxYC |