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O'Neil, W. (2003).  Business Leaders and Success: 55 Top Business Leaders and How They Achieved Greatness.
"Deming's sometimes-gruff nature reflected impatience with managerial abuses of power. He thought that power carried a precious responsibility. 'Research shows', Deming said, 'that the climate of an organization influences an individual's contribution far more than the individual himself.' " (p. 206)
Berkun, S. (2010).  The Myths of Innovation. 246. Abstract
"Good managers of innovation recognize that they are in primary control over the environment, and it's up to them to create a place for talented people to do their best work." (p. 105)
Schwartz, H. S. (1990).  Narcissistic Process and Corporate Decay: The Theory of the Organizational Ideal.
"When work, the productive process, becomes display, its meaning becomes lost. Its performance as part of the organizational drama becomes the only meaning it has. Accordingly, the parts it plays in the organization's transactions with the world become irrelevant. When this happens, work loses its adaptive function and becomes mere ritual. At the same time, the rituals that serve to express the individual's identification with the organization ideal, especially those connected with rank, come to be infused with significance for the individual. They become sacred. Thus, reality and appearance trade places. The energy that once went into the production of goods and services of value to others is channelled into the dramatization of a narcissistic fantasy in which the organization's environment is merely a stage setting." (p. 61)
Freiberg, J., & Peters T. J. (1998).  Nuts! : Southwest Airlines' Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success.
"Southwest really doesn't care how people get the job done....The people of Southwest Airlines have chosen to create an atmosphere in which the childlike curiosity and enthusiasm in every employee is not only welcomed, it is sought after and drawn out. In an environment in which intuition is trusted and seemingly crazy ideas are routinely explored, learning has become a way of life." (p. 127)
Mackay, H. B. (1989).  Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive.
"Genius may not always be associated with messiness, but the following words are very much to the point:
Picture to yourself the darkest, most disorderly place imaginable...blotches of moisture covered the ceiling; an oldish grand piano, on which the dust disputed the place with various pieces of engraved and manuscript music; under the piano (I do not exaggerate) an unemptied chamber pot; beside it a small walnut table accustomed to the frequent overturning of the secretary placed on it; a quantity of pens encrusted with ink, compared with which the proverbial tavern pens would shine; then more music. The chairs, mostly cane—seated, were covered with plates bearing the remains of last night's supper, and with wearing apparel, etc.
That passage is found in The Lives of the Great Composers, by Harold C. Schonberg. It is Baron de Tremont's description of Beethoven's 'Office." (p. 141)
Hyatt, C., & Gottlieb L. (1987).  When Smart People Fail.
"There are several basic kinds of organizational environments: corporate, entrepreneurial, intrapreneurial (independent responsibility within a corporate structure), partnership, or complete autonomy (in the case of the artist). Sometimes the real you is in the wrong environment." (p. 109)
Smith, G. (2000).  Work Rage: Identify the Problems, Implement the Solutions.
"Ocassionally, I encounter and organization that really does practice what it preaches, or 'walks the talk'. But I can say with great certainty that the companies that really do a lot of talking and walking are few and far between. There is a lot of talking but very little walking out there in the big wide world of management.
The potential for rage in these controlling organizations is going to be higher, and for several reasons. When you have a mentoring, coaching, and collaborative management style, employees tend more toward higher productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness, and there is a happier workplace atmosphere. Conversely, when there is a domineering, controlling, or even bullying environment, the employees feel threatened, are less productive, feel highly stressed and are unhappy." (p. 53)

See also: culture, organizational psychodynamics, management style, addictive organization

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SKOS Concept Scheme

SKOS concepts and relations

Concept Scheme: business culture/management vocabulary

URI: business culture/management vocabulary


  • Concept: environment
    • preferred: environment
    • alternate: work environment
    • alternate: organizational environment
    • alternate: climate
    • alternate: workplace atmosphere
    • definition: the totality of surrounding conditions; "he longed for the comfortable environment of his living room"
    • narrower: culture
    • narrower: organizational_psychodynamics
    • narrower: management_style
    • narrower: addictive_organization
    • closeMatch:
    • keyword-20
    • linked content:
      • in scheme:
      • gloss: the totality of surrounding conditions; "he longed for the comfortable environment of his living room"
      • hyponym of:
      • sense: environment
      • synset id: 113934596
  • W3C SKOS spec
    RDF source

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