Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive

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Title Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1989
Authors Mackay, H. B.
Publisher Ivy Books
Keywords environment
Notes environment"Genius may not always be associated with messiness, but the following words are very much to the point:
Picture to yourself the darkest, most disorderly place imaginable...blotches of moisture covered the ceiling; an oldish grand piano, on which the dust disputed the place with various pieces of engraved and manuscript music; under the piano (I do not exaggerate) an unemptied chamber pot; beside it a small walnut table accustomed to the frequent overturning of the secretary placed on it; a quantity of pens encrusted with ink, compared with which the proverbial tavern pens would shine; then more music. The chairs, mostly cane--seated, were covered with plates bearing the remains of last night's supper, and with wearing apparel, etc.
That passage is found in The Lives of the Great Composers, by Harold C. Schonberg. It is Baron de Tremont's description of Beethoven's 'Office." (p. 141)