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Buckingham, M., & Clifton D. O. (2001).  Now, Discover Your Strengths.
"If our one great insight is that all human beings crave prestige and that this craving must be channeled, not ignored or repressed, what is our one great error? Our one great error is thinking that all human beings crave the same kind of prestige—the prestige that comes with power....In highly authoritarian societies where each person's freedom of decision, of judgment, and of discretion is at the whim of the person above, the only prestige worth having is the prestige that comes with power over others."
Fromm, E. (1955).  The Sane Society.
"Aside from money, prestige, status and the power that goes with it are assumed to be the main incentives for work. There is no need to prove that the craving for prestige and power constitutes the most powerful incentive for work today among the middle and upper classes; in fact, the importance of money is largely that of representing prestige, at least as much as security and comfort. But the role which the need for prestige plays also among workers, clerks and the lower echelons of the industrial and business bureaucracy is often ignored. The name-plate of the Pullman porter, the bank teller, etcetera, are significant psychological boosts to his sense of importance; as are the personal telephone, larger office space for the higher ranks. These prestige factors play a role also among industrial workers." (p. 293)

See also: respect, importance

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SKOS Concept Scheme

SKOS concepts and relations

Concept Scheme: business culture/management vocabulary

URI: business culture/management vocabulary


  • Concept: prestige
    • preferred: prestige
    • definition: a high standing achieved through success or influence or wealth etc.; "he wanted to achieve power and prestige"
    • related: respect
    • related: importance
    • closeMatch:
    • keyword-175
    • linked content:
      • sense: prestige
      • sense: prestigiousness
      • prestige
      • in scheme:
      • gloss: a high standing achieved through success or influence or wealth etc.; "he wanted to achieve power and prestige"
      • hyponym of:
      • synset id: 114435809
  • W3C SKOS spec
    RDF source

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